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Full Version: Great dinner planned for tomorrow (report)
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Nothing beats fresh lingcod and coon striped shrimp
Oh man you dog, did you just get those? I thought that I read that shrimp season was open over there. My mouth is watering.
Is this the same kind of ling (burbot) they have in Montana (Clark Canyon Reservior)? Had a chance to eat it once about five years ago and have been looking for some more. The drought has caused them to draw down the reservior pretty low.
Reellady, Im sure the 2 fish are related but the one I caught is the salt water type,,,bigger teeth and a little more agressive then the burbut,,,our limit in the puget sound is one a day for the month of may, and only keept between 26 and 40 inces any smaller or bigger they have to go back....they are pretty good to eat, ranks right up there with halibut..DJ
heres a released big old gal
I have family that live in Seattle, but they only talk about fishing inland. I've never heard them mention fishing the Sound. If I get up that way, maybe I can convince them to try it. Probably need bigger, heavier gear though...unless I can use steelhead gear. Trying to convince my daughter to put in for Whidbey Island for her next base, but she's got San Diego on the brain.

P.S. I think you forgot to upload the photo.
I live on whidbey and we have lots of great salt and river fishing here, check out my Photo album and you will see a little of both,,,PS I work on the base
Nice album and a bunch of really nice fish--steelhead too. Glad to see the kids involved! Looks like you're out ALOT. Here's my version of a ling...looks pretty puny compared to yours!

I've checked out Whidbey and I thought it looked like a good place to live/work, but she did her tech school at Miramar and she wants back in that "warm" area. Kids...
Pulling plugs for steelhead in the drift boat is my absoulte favorite fishing, But I ling/shrimp/halibutt/crab and King Salmon fish allot in the summer, I do a little for the coho, but Im getting pretty snoby in my old age with if it dont weight 20 pounds I dont want it to bite, My 11 year old daughter will actually get up at 4 am to go in the drift boat with dad, and she has caught more fish then allot of adults I know...I do allot of the rowing but my friend Tracy is learning so I do get a few fish once in a while. I average over 100 days on the water a year, I retired from the Navy and still work for base, but seam to be able to make time for my passion in life..

As for your picture I think its so cool to see you standing on the Ice but a barron almost dessert like background...and as for a fresh water ling thats a pretty good sized one....DJ
I've only been fishing steady for the last 6 years. Need a pontoon now though. I fished for steelhead at Salmon for the first time this year, but it was pretty slow going and there was usually slush coming down most of the days I was there. Saw a few people pick some up though.

I like bank fishing on creeks, rivers and streams--any chance to wear my waders. My ex had a lake boat and small jet for the South Fork, but I think I could have fun on a 'toon too. And I could load/unload it by myself. :-)

That ling photo is at Clark Canyon in SW Montana. Not the garden spot of the state. Here's a photo at Henry's Lake when it was good to me in 2002. Those mountains in the background are the Centennials and in Montana.
Fish shaped like Footballs, I like it when they have that body shape, I like to smoke them when they have a little extra fat it keeps them moist...