Years ago I use to fish the freemont behind bicknell quite regular.I am going to be in southern utah over easter week and have thought about those old stomping grounds.However I know alot of it is posted now(can you get permission to fish)particularly the area just upstream from the fish hatchery(the bicknell hatchery)I use to do quite well for large browns and rainbows in that area.But I know the dwr poisoned most of the river a few years back due to whorling desease.Does anyone have any info on the fishing or the tresspass situation? Thanks Lonnie
While I haven't fished that particular portion of the Fremont, a good bet for info might be the hatchery folks. I'm sure they could provide you with some good pointers on where to go and what's accessable. Another possibility would be the Aquaris Inn in Bicknell. I'm sure they would at least know who to contact for access.
Aquaris Inn [font "Arial"][size 2](435) 425-3771[/size][/font]
J. Perry Egan Brood Station (Loa Hatchery) [font "Comic Sans MS"](435) 425-3547 [/font]
Thanks for posting that information Ruger, most of use at BFT live in Northern Utah and don't have a clue about fishing some of the out of the way areas. That is one of the best things about this site and it is getting better all the time, there are people from all over the state here and they are willing to share information about what they know. Thanks again Ruger. WH2
Yea, it's too bad I can't get down there as much as I used to. Wayne county is a great area! I just hope I am able to retire down that way when the time comes. Imagine all the great huntin' & fishin' of the boulders, fishlake, and Monroe right on your door step! What more could you want out of life?
Thanks for the info ruger.I love that area from the freemont to ottercreekto thousand lake to fishlake to the boulders,heck you name it great hunting and fishing.I know it's just real hard to pull info from the locals,they are very protective of the area(who can blame them)If I lived in a paridice like that I would keep it protected to.
You may try fishing in the Bicknell Bottoms, but I think they have special regulations. It is a part of the fremont that is fairly swampy, but I don't think it is too bad. You may not know where it is, but you can ask some of the locals in Bicknell or Torrey and I'm sure they could point you in the correct direction. You may also try pine creek, which is good for extremely small wild brook trout. They will never exceed about 8-12 inches, and probably won't ever even reach a foot, but the stream fishes well, and you can really enjoy yourself in that creek. Once again, you may need to ask for directions.
Yes mountainman bicknell bottoms is the exact area I have refered to.I just wasn't sure if anyone else would know it by that name.I use to do real well there.