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Full Version: Newbie Float Tubing Update
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I haven't posted here in a while, primarily because I've been fishing so much and trying to post on a local forum the conditions on a particular lake. My hands are raw from getting spiked from fish fins, my right arm is peeling from sunburn and my lips are chapped from being in the elements for too long... what a great feeling. I wouldn't have it any other way. [Smile]

Anyway, as some of you remember, I was the one who made it through the long winter by logging on here dreaming of fishing days and getting hooked vicariously on float tubing from you guys. Wellll, to put it mildly, now that fantasy has met reality, I may need an intervention. Even broke up with my girlfriend (not caused by my addiction to fishing, BTW). Hardly noticed she was gone. [Smile] Ok, just kidding. That stung, but tubing kept me leveled out. I kept paddling and fishing until I reached a peace. Nothing like getting away in the middle of a lake. My float tube and waders are usually in the back of my jeep ready to go at a moment's notice. Although I usually only put the tube on the water on average 3 days a week, I'm always looking for the opportunity.

I've made a slight upgrade since my last visit here. I started out with the Togiak, but ran into a durability problem with the orange material on the back. It started fraying and gave way after only about a month's use. So, I bought the Fish Cat 4 deluxe. What a difference. That inflatable seat is a dream and the time it takes to inflate and get on the water was halved. No fumbling with the bladder to get it aligned properly or worrying about the chintzy valve covers. The only thing that I don't like are the small pockets and no bar to keep the tubes from closing in on you. The squeaking noise caused by my waders rubbing up against the sides is slightly annoying. But, as long as the fish don't mind, it doesn't matter. Most definitely will be upgrading again next season. Probably the H3. I'll keep the fish cat in case a buddy feels adventurous.

I've fished all kinds of conditions in it. Spring zephyrs, gusting winds, rolling waves, small white caps and it handles well in all. I've learned a few more kicking techniques (I'll even tack into a steady head wind to conserve energy-- that was cool when I figured that out) and I can stay on the water close to shore in virtually any but the most severe conditions.

So far, I'm loving tubing. I've caught more fish and more quality fish so far this year than any other year to this point. The only problem that I have is sometimes I NEED to go forward. Right now, I'm fishing for crappie in really shallow water. Sometimes I can feel the tree limbs under my feet and can't make the necessary kicks to go where I need to go. Right now, what I do is back up against a tree and just push off, but I would love to move forward without having to get that close to stuff. Thinking of getting a collapsible paddle. Not sure if it would work or be dangerous to use. Maybe a push pole, but not sure where or how I could stow it, though.

Just wanted to drop in and say hello to the folks on this board. Still, the most civil, friendly board I have ever visited. Sorry so long winded. And here's the pic of the first keeper I caught in mid March. It was cold as heck and no one was catching much of anything. I ended up with 12 keepers that day. All 10 - 12 inches. I believe the one in the pic is 11 inches.

Have a great day float tubers.
Great to hear form you again and I am glad to see you are getting out. Sorry for the GF loss but you can always find another one of them. I can say that when you go to the H3 you will not be dissappointed they are one hell of a sweet ride. After a good sunburn last year I have purchased me a long sleave supples shirt and I love it. It breathes real good and is like permanant sunblock, no to mention if it gets wet it dries quickly. They are worth it just get it in a lighter color, mine is dark blue, I am going to get another in a lighter color so it is not quiet as hot.
After a good sunburn last year I have purchased me a long sleave supples shirt and I love it. It breathes real good and is like permanant sunblock, no to mention if it gets wet it dries quickly. They are worth it just get it in a lighter color, mine is dark blue, I am going to get another in a lighter color so it is not quiet as hot.[/reply]

Thanks for the suggestion. I should pick one up tonight. The burn doesn't hurt, but I know it can't be good for my health to continue getting sunburned when I don't have to. I even had on a long sleeve shirt to avoid that, but I rolled up my sleeves because I was getting too warm. I'll try the lighter, breathable shirts now.
Now this might sound crazy, but the guides at the lodge all wear Exifficio sunblocker long sleeves.
I have a PURPLE one and I am talking dark purple. Went fishing last summer and it was in the 90's. I rolled the sleeves down and buttoned them up and the shirt was COOOOL!
Needless to say I bought three more (various colors however, he, he, he)
That is what I like about mine I do nto remember the sunblock rating. As far a brand can you give a link on those FG?
Here is a site that has some GREAT prices. And YES the BUZZ-OFF works. [url ""][/url]
I like that store. I wish the closest one was not in Reno. Oh well that just means I need to take my tube out to Pyrmid some time.
Now this might sound crazy, but the guides at the lodge all wear Exifficio sunblocker long sleeves.
I have a PURPLE one and I am talking dark purple. Went fishing last summer and it was in the 90's. I rolled the sleeves down and buttoned them up and the shirt was COOOOL!
Needless to say I bought three more (various colors however, he, he, he) [/reply]
[#000050][size 3]now blow me over with a stiff warm breeze.. but someone makes a long sleeve shirt that keeps a person cool in warmer to hot weather?????
We have a Sierra Trading Post here in Boise (Meridian). Litttle bit closer than Reno I think. Still a long drive for ya though. But you would get to leave Utah for awhile - that has to be worth something[Wink]
[cool][#0000ff]Welcome back and thanks for the update. Sounds like a lot more positive than negative...with some goals and expectations for the future. Such is life...good life.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Hope you continue to enjoy tubing and increasing your skills and success.[/#0000ff]