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Any chance the "powers that be" could be convinced to add a clickable close to that sidebar on the right. It is really annoying to not be able to read a post because of it. I know it relates to the size of the pictures posted but the thread on accessorizing for the mounting of a video camera has great pictures. I don't feel that good pictures should have to be downsized to the point that the advertising frame ends up out of the way. Am I the only one annoyed by this new "feature"?
Ya not the only one, that makes me too in the same (tube) ... boat. I was gonna ask the same thing but u bet me to it!
There are plenty of others out there that are unhappy with that wretched side banner. I guess the intention was for us to all adjust our screen resolution a little wider so that it fits without having to scroll over to read it all.

I anyone reading it all?? I know that I'm not but I am also trying to figure how to adjust my setting for my monitor.

I'm sure there will be a resolve for this at some time but in the mean time we must endure.

I bet you that if we went out to fish every time that side banner pissed us off, we would be pretty good anglers in a very short time.[cool]
[cool][#0000ff]The "powers that be" are well aware of the lack of appreciation for that new and wonderful addition. But, the powers that be have also been out of town on various matters. I suspect they will give it more attention after clearing the desk when they return.[/#0000ff]
[black][size 3]Don't worry about it guys, When wearing my Carnac turban, I foresee a time when there will not be any area left for posting.[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]But, there is a bright side to that, the forum will be so full of banners, scrolls and advertising and the speed of loading will take so long that it won't make any difference anyway.[/size]
At least they still have the Chat Room. That one hasn't been inundated yet.[cool]
You would think that the "powers that be" might at some point come to understand the "law of diminishing returns." Ads are OK (after all, this is a "free" forum") but it gets to the point that you just have to tune them out or you go nuts. Kind of like driving down a busy street with all the billboards, street signs, traffic signs, and traffic. You just have to tune it all out or you'll have a wreck.

All that said even tuning it out doesn't always work. I was on another forum when they posted a "running monkey" add that slid down the page as you scrolled down. It ran incessantly back and forth in a very annoying ad. I signed off the forum and never went back.

I have a wide screen so I still have enough real estate left to be able to find the posts. Can't imagine someone with an older monitor would do.

What scrolling banner..what advertisements.. am I missing something important???????? [sly][sly][sly][sly][sly][sly]

MacFly [cool]