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[Smile]With bad weather this weekend I decided to make some frame modifications to my toon.
I have always wanted a wider frame for my toon for many reasons some being I am not a small guy.

I started off by adding some tubing in front of and in back of the existing seat frame. This widened the frame about 3 inches.

Next I have been wanting a motor so I added a motor mount. I welded some tubing and a piece of flat plate and a piece of marine board to the plate. Also reattched the anchor point and modified the rear deck. For the rear deck I welded three pieces of angle iron and some expanded metal. Three of the sides of the expanded metal rest on the new angle iron. The front rests on the seat frame. I used the existing pins the attach it.

Ok now lets get real my toon is a 7ft outcast from sportsman's and with the additional weight of a motor and my frame modifications I felt longer pontoons would be in order. So off to Sportsmans a new 10 ft outcast just happen to follow me home. Being an outcast my old frame will work with my new toons. Also this upgrades my son to a toon. Using the new frame and old toons.

I'm hoping to try it all out this weekend. Will try to attach some pictures.
[black][size 3]That's a great (major) modification. very professional.[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]That should make your toon very stable and real nice ride.[/size]
Nice job on the modification. I'm sure you will like it with the bigger toon and I'll bet you son will like his new inheritance.[cool]
Nice job, is it more wind resistant now, or worse in the wind,
I've been in a few pretty good wind storms with both toons 10 ft and 7 ft to tell you the truth i dont' really see to much difference. The wind blows and you get pushed around. I will tell you I fill more comfortable in the wind on the 10 ft toon and the wider frame. I did'nt like wind in a tube and tried get off the water when the wind started.On the toon I try to ride it out but find fly fishing hard to do in the wind. Also just got a motor to help if I get blown across the lake.[Wink]
My brothers Larry and Curley (Scott and Pokymon) did that a couple years ago. Wide tracking they called it. Like Ponitac did a decade or so ago with some of their cars. I'm not quite sure how much wider, I'm going to guess at least 6'' wider than stock. Both liked it better than stock.
I know you're going to notice a big difference graduating to 10' toons. Stability is the name of the game. Next, you'll be figuring out a standing/sliding casting platform.