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Full Version: name that fish 2
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hints it averages 20 inches and has huge teeth. Its Freshwater.

[inline fish_profiles_dovii4.jpg]

[inline CichlidsPic10.jpg]
That's a Cichlid. Could you have made it any easier???[cool]
Theirs thousands of cichlids including the peacock bass. This ones more aggresive just dosent get anymore than 5-6 pounds. Plus it lives in central america.
parapetenia dovii or Wolf Cichlid.[cool] My Bad[shocked]
I shoulda taken the dovii off of there. They sure would be fun to catch and I bet they eat about like talopia.
I bet they make some excellent Slabs. Those little guys get up to 26 inches and love to each smaller fish and Craw Fish!!!!

Sounds like a job for Storm Rattlin Craws with just a Squirt of ProCure Bass Gel. That has some Natural Crawfish and Krill in it.

I'll clean em aslong as you lip em [Wink]
Right on Bro.[cool]
ive got one.

[Image: asdvb6.jpg]
I've seen that fish before on a show......can you give a continent for a hint?
south america. if you caught the freshwater episode of planet earth you might remember.
Funny its a golden freshwater dorado! A freshwater cousin of the salmon found mainly in Argentina, Bolivia, Southern Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay. I missed the panet earth show, but I saw a fishing show several months ago where they where in Argentina catching these. Had me stumped for a few days.
Salminus Maxillosus
you got it. nicknamed the 'river tiger'
try one of these,


I know a good one, "Toebee" [sly]