05-09-2007, 01:12 PM
[size 3][font "Times New Roman"]Went up to Hyrum to pick up my boat yesterday. You got to love Lee’s he does excellent work. Anyway after picking up the boat my grandpa and I got on the water about 6:00. We fished until about 8:00. That was my first time on Hyrum Reservoir and I was not disappointed. In that 2 hour span we boated 13 rainbows and lost 4 before we could get them in the boat. They were fore the most part real healthy fish. (3 fish went 18 in) Not sure if that is a large fish for that lake, but even the smaller fish put up a fight. I will definitely be back up there again. The best part was it was a perfect evening weather wise and there was only 4 other boats on the water, and they were targeting the bass on the other side of the lake. I imagine Hyrum gets some heavy activity from crotch rockets and wake boarders during the summer, which is a shame it is a nice small body of water. Sorry no pictures forgot the camera. [/font][/size]