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Full Version: March 15th and 16th
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Hooked up with Dave on commerce lake Saturday.
First warm day in a long time. got close to my limmit on gills and so did about every one else. I think it will be the last time I can make on the ice. The weather is looking into the 60's and 50's for the week. My 3 year old son came with me and enjoyed it out playing with the fish. It wasn't till I got home and my wife chewed my a!! out. He got sun burned and so did I.
A couple of friends went to the grand to try their luck on the steel. Water was still low and water very clear. No fish to report but was nice to wet a line.
Sunday morning Me and three friends headed out to try are luck at the grand. hooked one first thing and lost it. a couple of fish spotted and a couple of other guys had one fish. I guess I can say they are moving in slowly.
Moved noth to check out the rouge too. Nobody fishing at the dam. Water level way down. Alot of guys showing up to take a look but it wasn't worth pulling out the poles.
hey stormey , sounds like the itch is turning into a scratch ! i got the scratch so bad it's turning into a rash ! gotta hook me some steel soon or im just going to start fishing for v.w.'s off the jefferys overpass .

i'm just a beginner so don't laugh too hard at this question , for hand tied spawn sacks ( 4-5 eggs per ) bought at the local bait stores ( not that k-mart jar stuff ) . what kind and size hook do you use ? i just started to use mustad hooks in the #8 , too big or too small ? i'm using 6 lb. test with a 30"-4lb. leader .

my wife gives it to me when i forget the sunblocker too ! i gotta find her "wifes handbook" and change some of the rules around , i want to win a few discussions once in a while . LOL
That itch was waiting to happened. I just had to break the cabin fever. Well I fish for steel alot of different ways.
For the spawn I use salmon eggs and steelhead eggs. In a Salmon sack i use 5-6 eggs. For steel eggs I use 8/9 but I do mix it up because of water clearity. Sometimes I make smaller sacks if the water is real clear and more eggs if it real dirty water. I would try to stay away from store bought spawn (MR TROUT @ k-mart) real cure eggs are the way to go. I have also done real good with waxworms and leaf worms in the spring too. I will use a #6 -#10 hook depending on what I using for bait. Mustard hooks are O.K.
but I use gamagakcy (spelling?) or daiichi and Tiemco hooks. For line, water conditions plays a factor too. If it is low and clear lighter the leader and I will run a 20 to 24 inch leader. If it fast moving water, I will run a shorter leader 16 to 22 inches I commonly run 10lb line with a 8lb leader. P-line is the way to go smaller dia. with a greater strength. with low visiblity.
that would explain my late hook-ups , i'm too long on my lead . most of my hooks come back bent or broken after a brief encounter with the old brand i was useing , i'll take your advice and get the better ones . i have friday off , i'll give it a go then . thanks for the info . it's been a real big help . your pal , lonehunter .