05-17-2007, 01:19 AM
[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][size 1]From Weed, on Hwy I-5; take Hwy 97 NE, go 27 mi. to Bray-Tennant turnoff. Turn S, go 5 mi. to Y. Bear right on Tennant Rd., go 6 mi. to stream.
Pools and riffles in sage brush and pines. Primitive campsites.
Local Fishing: Rainbows and browns monthly spring and summer.[/size][/size][/black][/font][/size][/black][/font]
Pools and riffles in sage brush and pines. Primitive campsites.
Local Fishing: Rainbows and browns monthly spring and summer.[/size][/size][/black][/font][/size][/black][/font]