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Left the south marina at willard at 8 pm and headed for some humps i marked last week only to find no fish on them. We decided to head to the sw corner where i marked a ton of fish last week. Shortly after getting to the area we began marking tons of shad and schools of larger fish. Rigged up the 5 poles and started to troll. Shortly after the second pole hit the water fish on the first one only out 50'! We landed that one and got the other 3 poles out only to hit 2 at once. From there it was majic till about 11:30 when my wife called to tell me she was taking my baby girl to the doc office vomiting profusely.[unsure] She will be fine. Stomach virus.
Anyway, in the 2 1/2 hours of trolling we boated 41 wipers and lost 5 at the boat due to net malfunctions and broke off 2 before we could even get to the poles! I could not believe it! Fish after fish after fish. Brought 7 home for a family feast. All but 4 were over 17" and thi biggest was about 23". We let that one go because the smaller ones are easier to cook and they taste better. All fish were caught on rattlin Rapalas in 5 different colors and sizes trolled 1.7 to 2.9 mph. We made a huge circle of about 1000 yards and were in fish the whole time. Schools of shad everywhere. So may that i though my finder was going haywire. Anyway, had a blast except the bugs. Water temp was anywhere from 70* to 78.2 right after launch in the shallower areas. Depth was between 8' and 15' with about 100 to 135' of line out.
[inline "Willard 5-17-07 001s.JPG"]
[inline "Willard 5-17-07 003s.JPG"]
Nice catch, Its a blast when you can find the shad like that. Thanks for the report.
This is the first of 8 trips out this year that we have found them like this. Saw a little surface action tonight but nothing that would be considered a boil. Just fish breaking the surface briefly.
Wow, what a great report, the best this year for sure. Thanks Brody, have you been fishing that late at night before or were you saying that you have been out there at night on all you trips? That water temp has really gone up since last weekend.
Ok... I'm jealous... When we going??????? [cool]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][size 2][#002850]That's some fantastic night time fishing. Do you have lights in your boat to help you see what you are doing with tackle etc.?[/#002850][/font][/size]
Man lh2 you Utah guys have all the cool fish.LOL[Wink]

Good job and nice report, thanks for sharing even though I haven't the faintest idea where Willard is!LOL

Well done Brody. It is days like that that tempt me to try Willard again. Then again, I remember all of those days that I feel like there isn't a wiper in the entire place.
Great job, glad to hear your daughter is ok!
I'm right there with you Kent!

This report ALMOST wants to make me go against my rule of not fishing at Willard until after June 1st!

I'll probably be there on Saturday (...doh.)

Nice catch.

It seems I always had better luck fishing Willard at night. I dont know if its the lack of pressure on the fish or they just get more active after sundown. But there were times when fishing 2 poles, steering a boat and watching the wife and kids lines was too much for me to handle LOL

Oh and the bugs OMG! The only way I found to somewhat keep them away was to keep the boat as dark as possible until u get a fish on LOL.
Been out after dark many many times.
My peeps, your peeps [Wink]
My all-around is always on but it isn't very bright. When it is showtime i have a million candle power q-beam that i flip on. I am going to mount some led's next week that are on a toggle.
They were extreme last night until we got a small breeze the last half hour. Your right. As soon as the big light came on it was a don't-open-your-mouther![crazy]
I wanted eyes but you know how that goes. Couldn't weed through the wipers to get down to an eye![Wink]
damn trollers
Nice to see you floatin' around Sir Troy. I hope the new place is treating you well.

Strong work Brody. Sounds like one of those outings that good stories are made from.
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