went to the nelle today,it was cold in the a.m but manage to land some descent size perch.if the water stays where it is now i'll be catching em.cause i'm fishin em from the bank.I need to get a boat(damn) as for smallies caught them too...2morrow is me and my wifes 7yr. anniversary ,so she said that we can go fishing for half the day as long as i take her shopping in Park City afterwards...stay away from IKEA i took her there this morning and it was HELL....you'll know what i'm talking about..
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[font "Lucida Console"][#ff4040]Thanks for the report. Congrats on the 7 year anniversary![/#ff4040][/font]
[cool][#0000ff]Glad to hear the perch are moving in closer. What part of the lake were you fishing? Near one of the ramps at Hailstone or at Rock Cliff?[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Keep your wife happy and maybe she will let you join the BFT float tube floatilla. We have much fun and catch many fish. Cheaper than a boat (and gas) and often more effective.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]No need to warn me about the IKEA store. My survival instincts keep me away from those things. Fortunately, TubeBabe would rather go fishing than shopping. Am I lucky or what?[/#0000ff]
No doubt about that my friend. She seems to be one of a kind. [cool]
Now what kind of magic do I need to work to get my wife to fish with me???? [

[cool][#0000ff]TubeBabe grew up in a family that liked fishing too. And, she already knew a bit about the sport when we "hooked up". Most of her previous experience had been either as a boater or a bank tangler but she was open to try tubing. Once she got the hang of it she really took to it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I can't claim any credit for "converting" her to like fishing. The best I can offer is that guys need to be patient with spouses or kids, if they want them to embrace fishing. If you make their first trips enjoyable...about them and not you...you have a better chance to get them excited about it. As most of us have witnessed, once someone "lights up"...after catching something...they are a lot easier to persuade to hit the water thereafter.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Believe me, if I had the magic solution to making wives want to become fisherpersons I would have been comfortably retired a long time ago. Instead, I just take advantage of my own good fortune...and feel sorry for other guys that have to beg or buy their kitchen passes.[/#0000ff]
I am not one to have to beg a kitchen pass or anything... actually my wife is great about letting me go.
The real problem I have with getting my wife to go is this.... The 1st time I took her out fishing with me was in the Gulf of Mexico, and she had a blast. She also caught the biggest fish that day on the boat.... in addition to over 100 fish total. Now that sounds all great and dandy, but when we got back to Utah and I took her out, she just wasn't impressed with our fish here... or the numbers. She was spoiled. [

Thats the way it is when you go on fishing excursions like that, you get spoooooiled
Something about wives letting you go fishing on the 7th anniversary, that was our trip to Lake Powell last week. Congratulations on also having a great wife.