Just wondering where everyone is goint on Memorial Day weekend and what you plan to fish for. I haven't made up my mind--probably won't take out the boat, but will probably still go somewhere--maybe fish from the shore at LBH. Made my first visit there last night with the Community Youth Fishing class. How about you all?
I'm trying something new and going to bear lake.
Going to California probably go out for some inshore fishing. Probably stop at Yuba on the way back.
Packin' up the boat, the Queen, the kids, and the dog and heading for the hills. Porcupine here we come.[angelic]
Fish beware my 5 year old is coming for you with a vengeance......
[#0000bf]Pelican here I come! Gills and LG's beware!!!!!!!!!!!![/#0000bf]
I'll be working fri and sat. Got out of sunday though. Probably going to hit willard with the other bajillion people.
Me and fish4fish his brother and quantaman ae heading for a 3 day powell trip! Strippers and stripers beware!!!!!!!!!!! [

Too many people out everywhere this weekend, probably to the point of stupid. Not to say fishermen are stupid I direct that mostly to the Power Boaters towing shiz behid them without regard for anyone else.
I'll stick close to home and fish early at Utah Lake/Provo river, before the crowds set in. But then again that's what I do everyday.
Personally I plan on heading south to hunnigton,and scholfield. still hunting the tiger trout. hopefully the hunt ends this weekend lol.
im with apocallypse and trollboy im hitting ut lake but im going at night to avoid the crowds ive been doing good there at nights and i love it when im the only one around nelling big fish,.. ive got to try to beet my 20lb record i caught earler this year.
Memorial Weekend I try to avoid the crowds and the fishing.
taking the toon to huntington on sunday
DA BERRY BABY its a Memorial Day tradition!!!
A certain colorful trout river, where there won't be any crowds!(maybe?)
Deer Creek, trying to learn more about the lake
Its a toss up between willard and deer creek... My friend is driving with his boat so I go where he goes.... hopefully to the land of the wipers! Ive got the serious jones for a line screaming wiperfest!
Saturday I'm hiding and sunday it Pelican....
A certain colorful trout river, where there won't be any crowds!(maybe?)[/reply]
I'll see you there. Enjoy the Moose.
I know the crowds will be bad, but I haven't had a chance to get out and fish for a while, so I'm heading out anyway. I'll be at willard bright and early saturday morning and fish until the wind picks up. I've got a partner and we'll be in our toons, if anyone wants to meet up with us we'll be at the south marina about 6:30.