05-25-2007, 05:53 PM
I fished Pineveiw from 7am to 7pm yesterday. All I can say it was a perfect day for Tiger fishing. The water stayed around 62-63 around the whole lake. It was not hot enough to warm the water up and slow the fishing down. The lake conditions were right were the should be for the first time all spring. The Tigers were in the mood also. I ended up putting 11 Tigers in the boat and probably lost or missed twice that!!!! Only down side was none of the Tigers I caught were anything to brag about. I did hook into 2 that were 40+. One dove into a submerged bush 10 feet down and snagged my lure 10 feet down in the brush then swam off after unhooking himself [
] The other was strong enough I ripped the eye right out of my lure in the fight [
] It was by far the best Tiger day up there I have ever had. The fish were caught all over the lake. In the bays, near deep drops, the open water, and even found one down in the narows off the rocky shoreline. The water was very clear and clean also. One more thing the perch have moved up into the flooded brush. They were everywhere and following my lure in all day. I was watching a group fishing the brush with 10 foot poles. They would just drop there bait in the brush and pull it up a few seconds later with a perch. They were filling a cooler full of the little guys. The fishing should stay red hot unless we get another one of those heat spells.
