Took the whole Fam Damily up to the Pig over the long weekend. Everyone caught fish and had a great time. Other then when my Dog rolled in a fresh pile of Cow Pie[
].Did fair on the Kokes trolling a holographic blade and Jakes. It was the only Koke gear I had. The fish finder battery crapped out which made it a little more of a challenge. We did well on Browns, Rainbows, and Cutts along the edges. Noon I decide to fish a rocky out crop while everyone else was napping and I luckly landed a 22 1/2" Cutt with 10 1/2" of girth. I didn't have a chance to weight it but I am thinking around 4 lbs maybe.
My son and I fished there on Monday.
We trolled in my white and yellow tri hull.
I left the trolling motor home, so we had to use the main motor which would only throttle down to 3 MPH.
We still were able to net 3 Kokes.
The wind was off and on all day, but never bad enough to make us leave the water.
My son made some squid like lures that we used behing a dodger.
No trout this trip.
If that picture is of the 22" cutt you where talking about its actually a nice lake run brown!!! Browns that live in lakes most their life loose alot of their color and can be mistaken for cutts. Nice brown though.
Nice to know, I knew that they loose some color but never like that. I may have caught quite a few browns like that then. Some of the browns we caught in the 14 to 18" range still had normal markings. We did also catch 3 in the same 14 to 18" size range that I claimed as Cutts, now I don't know.
Still fun to catch, that much is for sure.
Nice report guys, sounds like a fun weekend at the Pig. Did you camp out there or just go up for the day? That is a nice fish no matter what it is but my first thought after seeing the picture was Brown also. WH2
I am not sure to the science of it but my guess is they loose their color due to spending alot of their life in deeper water and probably their diet of fish. But the spotting pattern and tail is a dead give away fo a brown. Cutts have spotts on their tails and a some what forked tail. Its definattly a brown and your not the first to mistake the two[
] Like I said nice fish!!! Ive caught lake browns that are almost completely silver. That one has kind of a dull grey color. Its a beauty anyhow.
You gents are correct, after a little fish research it is a Brown Trout.
Thanks for the correction, not knowing what you have is a sure fire way to get in trouble with the Fin and Feathers. Not to mention the damage you can cause on an eco-system.
I would like to do it again though, that is for sure[
Learn something new every day.
I dont think you are going to damage the ecosystem misidentifying a Brown and Cutt here in Utah. I cant think of one lake in utah that has special regulations for browns in a lake. But it is definatly nice to know what your catching for bragging rights. lol. I wish we had more browns in are lakes out here they are something else and can get very large. Still dont understand why they dont put them in Strawberry? It woould create some trophy fish and there would be no chub problem!!!!!!!