I have been seeing more and more of the shows I watch come up on
www.myoutdoortv.com and I was wondering if this site is legit or is this one of these sites that will get me sent to jail for piracy. Anyway write me back with thoughts on the subject. Thanks in advance.
Welcome aboard Captain Jake. That particular link is not according to forum rules here. It leads to another website that has a forum on it.
On another note, Bill Dunce is not a favorite around here. We are in the search of real anglers.
Thanks for the clarification though and welcome aboard.
What type of fishing do you do and what kind of service are you Capt of?? Please share with us.[cool]
Welcome to BFT Captain Jake!
Much apologies for the breach in forum conduct, I actually didn't even know they had one. Concerning my captainship it is really only extends to my Bayliner Trophy [blush]. My fish of choice are striped bass, largemouth bass, and crappie only by virtue of them being the most prevalent in my local lake. I attempt to tackle some saltwater fish ever couple of years with limited success. I am eager to become an active member in your community and look forward to much insightful advice. [font "Arial"][black][size 1]
Apologies accepted on behalf of the whole staff.
I'm glad to hear that you are a Bass fisherman too. We have a Bass board for all to enjoy.
We look forward to any reports that you would like to share with us and hope you enjoy this site as much as the rest of us.
There is something for everyone here. Feel free to ask any questions too. We all learn from each other.[cool]
On another note, Bill Dunce is not a favorite around here. We are in the search of real anglers.
Isn't that the truth??? Or am I wrong? ha ha
![[Image: moon.gif]](http://www.getbentsportfishing.com/forum/images/smilies/moon.gif)
Whoops, I guess I should have looked at my post -
I meant to ask why he wasn't popular

He does a lot of programs and most of it is comedy instead of real fishing. He only fishes Private lake where there is no pressure on any of the fish.
He just doesn't appeal to me with his style. Other members have expressed worse opinions of him in the past.
I'm sure he is a nice person and all but there is something else about him that doesn't convey him as being genuine.[cool]
Ah.. I watch a lot of fishing shows, but none of them to learn how to fish

Right now my favorite is the spearfishing show, but that may have more to do with the woman in the wet suit than the fishing [angelic]
Right on. Over here they call that the Tuna Show. ha ha.
Sometimes I watch the Sportfishing with Dan Hernandez. That one is all saltwater and I ended up coming out in a few of the different videos that are posted in the Video section here on the site.[cool]