Made it to the lake today. Wounderful day. Only a few boats on the water. Was on the water by 0700 and left at 1130 when the wind started. Lost count of the smallies after 20. Had four over 3lbs, the rest were little 6 inchers. I switch to tigers at about 1000 after one cleaned off my tube while fishing for the smallies. Caught two tigers on fire tiger husky jerk bait. Lost one other. Sorry no pic's because the wife has the camera in California on vacation. Largest tiger was 32".
We were up there this morning at 6:30. We didn't stick any tigers but we caught close to if not more than 50 smallies! Where were you fishing? What kind of boat were you in?
I was in an old red and white boat. I started in middle inlet, then the north side of the point along the rocks, and fished a little on the outside of spring cove west of the islands east of the pump house. The last location is where I stuck the tigers.
We fished that same area too... suprised we didn't see you. [

I did see you. Earlier in the day i believe. You need to get a flag.[cool]
I do have a flag. It was attached to my rear light pole. I guess I will have to mount it higher.