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Full Version: Pineview with LH2 5/29
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Met up with LH2 today to fish for the elusive tiger musky.

We started off by the pumphouse and worked the shorline from there. For the 45 minutes or so neither of us had hooked into anything, but we did have a few follows.

We passed by a half a mile of shorline that was full of submerged brush, and I just couldn't take it anymore... I had to fish for smallies. I put a few perch in the boat, and had a smallie on for a second, so LH2 followed suit and threw on a Maniac Salt Stick, wacky rigged. That rig worked for him the rest of the day. We must have caught between 30-40 smallmouth, but the funny thing was that the smallest one we caught was maybe 10".... We found MANY big ones. I must admit that LH2 had the hot stick today. He caught at least 10 fish that were between 2-3lbs. While I managed only a few that big. LH2 also took big fish honors with a 4lb smallie... what a toad! [cool]

I also had an absolute MONSTER smallie on.... By the looks of it, it probably was around 22" long and fat. After ripping several yards of line off, and then running at me, he came unbuttoned. [Sad] In addition to the perch and smallies, I also managed a nice crappie that took my Maniac Reaper.

While fishing plastics, both of us had a musky or two on, but we didn't manage to land any of them. We must have seen 50 of them throughout the day cruising in the brush.

About noon the wind kicked up something fierce and that made fishing tough for the next couple of hours. Brody did a great job with boat control, and we still caught fish, but it made it very difficult. Brody's wife and kids decided to join us for an hour in the boat. It's always fun watching his son reel in fish. [Smile]

I had to get home by 4pm, and Brody didn't think we'd be able to get the boat off in time for me to get back, so his wife gave me a ride. He has all the pics on his camera, so I am sure he'll post them when he gets a chance.

All in all.... a GREAT day! [cool]
What a bad a$$ trip!!! We tore the smallies up today! Even after you left i caught 14 more before i could get back to the ramp. I took on a ton of water trying to brave the waves but one good one over the bow made me re-think trying to get to the ramp.[shocked] I had a great time fishing with you today Tyler. Looking forward to many more trips with you.[Smile] Here's the pics. I am only going to post about 5 or so because there are 21 pics from today. I'll pic the good ones out.[Wink]
Ok, I couldn't bring myself to only do 5 pics. Here are the good ones.[cool]
The pics turned out great.... Man we caught some pigs today! Good times Brody! [cool]
Great report and pics! I cant wait to catch some smallies this year.
wow you guys did tear it up. Those are some real nice looking fish.
Yeah we fished some of the same areas that you and Kevin hit as well, but when we got there the wind was blowing so hard that we couldn't present a jig very well.

You guys need to make another trip up here!
Nice report and pics guys. Good on ya. Pay your dues and catch the fish.
Great catch! I'm going up Friday. Where can I find a Maniac Reaper??
Yea we do, I just wish I could be off a little more durning the week. I have a love hate with the m-f schedule. And we do not have any trips out of town so no comp time hoo.
You can order online at [url ""][/url] o0r they can be found at Sportsmans Wharehouse. Shades of green seemed to work best for me. [cool]
Way to rip them lips guys!
no tigers? what happend? ill be hunting tigers next tuesday.
They aren't liking me too much this year. I fished it for an hour tonight and first cast i missed a good one on a buzzy. Next cast i caught an 18" smallie and nothing else. The lake is dropping fast and that is not good.[mad]
I used Maniac 4" Salt Sticks in orange/craw and they loved it.
You guys were the bassassins today! Very nice fishies, fellas! Yes, indeeed I need to make another trip up there real soon! Alas, Matt and I are gonna be at Fish Lake this weekend. We'll have to plan another outing one of these days....the Willard cat excursion was kool!
Yeah I need to get to Willard again too. Some smoked catfish sounds excellent! [cool]
Nice work boys! Too bad about the water dropping so fast so soon.