05-30-2007, 02:55 AM
[size 1]After fishing Crowley on Saturday we wanted to fish Lake Kirman for hopefully some trophy brookies/cutthroats. Left Tuff Campground across from Toms Place at 4am and headed up 395 past Bridgeport and turned left on Sonora Pass and stopped at the turn off about 1/2 mile off 395. Got there at 5:45 and started to get everything ready for the 3 mile hike to the lake.
Climb over the first of 2 fences and we are on our way. [/size]
[size 1]
Pat and Me about a mile in. [/size]
[size 1]
They wanted to hike with us. [/size]
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And leave land mines for us to dodge.
Junction Lake (full of nice trout but closed to all fishing all the time) [/size]
[size 1]
Half way point and our friends.
5 star bathroom [/size]
[size 1]
Me on my way up "The hill of Death" [/size]
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Kirman Lake [/size]
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Got to the lake at 7am and started fishing. [/size]
[size 1]X
Was slow for a couple hours, but we managed to catch a couple nice fish.
My dads 18" fat Brookie [/size]
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=25831;]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=25831;)
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Then at around 11 they went on a bite, and we started picking away at them.
Ended up fishing for 5 hours and catching 16 fish for 4 people. I think it was 5brookies and 11 cutthroats. Always a blast fishing this lake, even though the numbers arent that great. It is one of my favorite lakes to fish because there are no crowds and there isnt really any lakes that I know you have a chance at some trophy Brookies and Cutthroats this lake has. The size of the fish were on the smaller size this year(12-15inches) except for my dads nice one. But we did see some really nice ones swimming around and lost a couple nice ones. Cant wait to fish it again and hope you enjoy the pictures.
[size 1](This post was [/size][url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_editlog;post=339198;"][#000000][size 1]edited[/size][/#000000][/url][size 1] by TubeDude on May 30, 07, 12:11 PM) [/size]
Climb over the first of 2 fences and we are on our way. [/size]
Pat and Me about a mile in. [/size]
They wanted to hike with us. [/size]
And leave land mines for us to dodge.
Junction Lake (full of nice trout but closed to all fishing all the time) [/size]
Half way point and our friends.
5 star bathroom [/size]
Me on my way up "The hill of Death" [/size]
Kirman Lake [/size]
Got to the lake at 7am and started fishing. [/size]
[size 1]X
Was slow for a couple hours, but we managed to catch a couple nice fish.
My dads 18" fat Brookie [/size]
Then at around 11 they went on a bite, and we started picking away at them.
Ended up fishing for 5 hours and catching 16 fish for 4 people. I think it was 5brookies and 11 cutthroats. Always a blast fishing this lake, even though the numbers arent that great. It is one of my favorite lakes to fish because there are no crowds and there isnt really any lakes that I know you have a chance at some trophy Brookies and Cutthroats this lake has. The size of the fish were on the smaller size this year(12-15inches) except for my dads nice one. But we did see some really nice ones swimming around and lost a couple nice ones. Cant wait to fish it again and hope you enjoy the pictures.
[size 1](This post was [/size][url "http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_editlog;post=339198;"][#000000][size 1]edited[/size][/#000000][/url][size 1] by TubeDude on May 30, 07, 12:11 PM) [/size]