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Full Version: They are ruining the landscape!
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[Sad][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]There are times that I am ashamed to be included in the human race. Today was such a time. Living in SoCal one has to travel a bit to find a fresh water stream to do a little fly fishing. Well I took a drive up into the San Gabriel Mountains to try out the west fork of the SG River. This location is about 10 miles from civilization. When I arrive and scanned the area I was sick to see what I found. Beer bottles, cartons, plastic containers, food trays, sandals, clothing you name it, it was there. Obliviously a bunch of slobs paid this National Forrest a visit over Memorial Day. To top off this disgraceful behavior the taggers must have been working over time. Every sign, disposal bin post was covered with graffiti. The gang taggers didn’t stop there for they found it necessary to deface many of the boulders in the river. Here are just a few examples of what I found. Obliviously these slobs can’t read or care less about how they treat our National Parks for [/size][/green][/font][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]there were several signs posted in English & Spanish informing the public about the proper disposal of one’s trash. Unfortunately I don’t have an answer to this out of control epidemic. Do you? [/size][/green][/font][font "Poor Richard"][#008000][size 3][/size][/#008000][/font]

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We have the same problem here, and I imagine all over the US. One solution would be to hire more Wildlife officers and create steeper fines and penalties. It's hard to patrol all the waters and game lands, but a few more game wardens wouldn't hurt.

Also, how about having classes in school teaching children about how polution and litter affects our enviroment. I think alot of people litter because they don't realize how much damage it causes. Ignorance is deadly when it comes to conservation and preservation.

So, how about doing a better job of enforcing the current laws and eductate our youth about the devestation that polution and litter causes on our enviroment and on our future. Now we just have to get the US government to see it this way. [unsure]