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Full Version: Hoax Hog or Big Bacon ? You tell us !
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So , Tell me what you think ?
we raised hogs that big back on the farm when I was a kid.

I would say that the hog in question is a domestic that has gone wild, may even have been bread in the wild as well.

as we all know wild pigs are found on most islands in the pacific wich would mean at one time the water level was low enough for them to walk over or they were carried over by early explorors per chance they should ever come back to the island or become stranded there in the future.

but yes domestic highbreds to get that big and do breed with wild populations after escape. and yes they escape farms and trucks all the time.... as do cows and steer.
Hoax !!!!!!!!

[url ",2933,277097,00.html"],2933,277097,00.html[/url]

You nailed that one dave , farm pet !
The Pig is real, but I thought it was a domestic and not a feril. or should the term be native wild boar more commonly known as a razor back which is the native pig species of the area.

the other wild boar hunted in the regon are species farmed in from around the world.

domestic hogs do have a lot of hair on them, and if you find one all black it is easy for reserve style hunters to become victom of self elusions that they are hunting in natrual settings. I am not saying it isnt dangerous it is, Pigs are dangerous when not fed timely and daily and have adiquit water or when weining thier young. So respect is manditory, and if not given one could end up in a world of hurt if not dead...

but only in america could a man take home a 1000 pounds of prime sausage, ham, chops and bacon to stuff in his freezer feal like he was cheated....

and to hear the boy shot 17 times and only hit the enormous target 6 times dose put some perspective to the boy using a firearm that he should not have been using to begin with and tells ya that dad is pretty nieve when it comes to hunting.

After reading the article in your link, I think dad got exactly what he paid for, a big slow moving target for his baby boy to have target pratice on.

thats one he should have kept quiet instead of bosting around the net... the way the artical reads the boy could have walked up on the animal and shot it in the head with a 25 caliber.

I dont see any thing ileagle or imoral here, just a little imbarising for pops and the kid. tho in the eyes of other kids that the eleven year old boy was able to even fire the 50 caliber and not get knocked on his can is an accomplishment in it self... LOL[sly]
Yea , it's a little embarising for them .
Maybe , the "at loose time" dosen't apply in allibamie .
here in michigan a farm animal that breaks free is concidered fair game after 24 hours .
Alabama might have the same law .
[url ""]Pig journeys reveal pattern of human migration[/url]
interesting .
I moved this string to this board because I placed a lock on it last night and some one is still able to post porn replies to this sting.

I can only think of a couple posibilities.
[ol] [li]some one is unlocking the string for them to post this crap. "I doubt because I was watching this string when a new one came in.[/li] [li]our site has been hacked.[/li] [li]some one with clearance is posting this crap from with in the system.[/li][/ol]