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Full Version: Help! Lost Camera at Birch Creek
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I was just up fishing at Birch Creek this afternoon and now that I've got home I can't find my digital camera. I remember taking if with me down to the car, the only thing I can think of is that I set it on the bumper when I was putting everything else away and drove off. Anyway if any of you are going up by there in the next couple of days, I was at the main parking lot below the dam, but it could be down the road as well. Thanks a ton, my parents are going to kill me if they find out I lost my camera, its a 5.0 megapixal in a black snap case. thank you!!!
Send a pm to Cadresults. He lives just down the road from there and may go look for it for you.
You have a picture of this camera???[laugh][pirate] Sorry to hear about your misfortune. Hopefully someone returns it to you.
I am fishing there tomorow morning. I will run the road and see if I can find it.
hey thanks alot for the help, I'm fearing that it's gone for good by now, and I have to think of some way to make 150 bucks to buy a new one quick. The only way I could make this kind of money that fast is to sell anything good that I've got, anybody in need of a digital preymaster predator caller. I bought it a year or so ago and haven't really had much time to use it. Like I said I just need a way to come up with the money quick, so if anyone would be interested in buying this let me know, thanks

Post that on the for sale board. Yu'll get more views there, and hopefully someone will be interested. [cool]