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Full Version: Tiger Musky Report - Pineview 30 -31 May 2007
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Fished Pineview Wed a.m. and Thur a.m and p.m. in this 36 hour period I had 16 Tigers on, caught 5. 15 of the 16 hits came on the Fire tiger, various sizes being trolled. I normally have a better ratio of fish on to fish catch... but it seemed to be a weird bite and they were coming unbuttoned easily.

Twice I hit "schools" of bait fish and Tigers working the area, and had 2 fish on within a minute or less of getting the lure in the water, and I must have dropped one right on the nose of a tiger for he hit before the lure splash was gone.

Air Temp started the early a.m. at about 56, with water temp about 62.

Had no luck casting, and 90 percent of my hits came when I trolled in one direction down the shoreline.

I took my video camera and tried to capture some of the action.
If you have high speed internet, the below link will take you to the video on my youtube site. The video is rated G, although 5 Tigers did get their lips pierced in making this video.

[url ""][/url]
Awesome video. Looks like you had your hands full with the fish and the video. How did you manage both? Thanks for sharing.
What a turn of events, I'm in wisconsin doing a job, had an extra day off today. So I rented a boat on the chippewa flowage, bought a pole here and could only manage 1 small northern and a few walleye's along with a few crapie. However I didnt even see any caught close to those.(I thought this area was musky and northern heaven) Oh well I guess I'll have to get home to Utah to find a trophy.[pirate]
[size 1]Cool Video, Did you make those rod holders? I didn't see a trolling motor, so I am assuming you paddled. How easy is it to pack your gear and your Kayak to whereever you put in? I have a red 9' quad toon and I have to find areas to put in that are easy access to the water. My difficulty isn't getting's actually getting out and avoiding all the water and jet skiers. [/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]Went to Pineview this morning and had a little trouble getting started then about 9:30 is when I figured them out. Caught half dozen of smallies nothing real big. I hooked three muskies in 24-30" range and only landed one that went 26". [/size]

[size 1]Good Report![/size]
Pretty cool video. It must be tough trying to manage a camera as well as one of those toothy critters!
The rod holders are nothing more than PVC pipe and various ends that go thru the D rings on the kayak. I have a fish finder that also is attached via the PVC. The do break off, especially when it is cold, and had one snap on a monster fish hit... about a 20 lbs carp.

I am going to get a "head cam" attachment, for it is a bit difficult to film and fight a fish... I lost 2-3 while filming...

I don't use a motor, about 15 hours of paddling is what it took for this video.