03-20-2003, 06:49 PM
03-20-2003, 06:53 PM
Pound for pound, smallmouth bass.
03-21-2003, 04:22 AM
pound for pound blue gill is by far the meanest fish in the water.
if you ever have the privlage to hook in to a 14 inch gill you will know what I mean.[cool]
if you ever have the privlage to hook in to a 14 inch gill you will know what I mean.[cool]
03-22-2003, 06:30 AM
Being a river fisherman, i have to say the smallie.
I have hooked carp that fought like they owner the river...
I have hooked carp that fought like they owner the river...
03-24-2003, 05:08 AM
The most vicious species of fish there is in my mind is
the tiger trout. And belive me, they live up to their name.[pirate]
the tiger trout. And belive me, they live up to their name.[pirate]
03-25-2003, 02:15 AM
I actually have to agree with you on that one. The only reason I didn't say them is because they never get real big.
03-27-2003, 06:01 AM
How about a Lake Erie Steelhead? There have been suggestions that the Steelhead in Lake Erie have been taking steroids! While trolling for walleye with Dipsy Divers and side planers, steelies have had the nerve to rip off everthing under the water. Usually, only about have the hook-ups are actually boated. I even had the experience of hooking into a few while casting a weight forward spinner. I really enjoyed the fight, both in and above the four foot chop. Those fish can fly!
02-05-2006, 06:13 AM
well I can add king salmon to the list of fighters, I got a chance to fight a half dozen about a year ago, thay are absolutly beutiful when those 20-30 pounders jump 3-5 feet in to the air while you are still holding on to them.
totaly different than a carp the same size. both will give you a work out.
I do like the smallies, I decided My goal was to hold the world tital for largest small mouth.
totaly different than a carp the same size. both will give you a work out.
I do like the smallies, I decided My goal was to hold the world tital for largest small mouth.
02-06-2006, 04:28 AM
I used to think that the Blue Gills were pretty good too. They do have a saltwater counterpart which is just like them on steroids. They are called Opaleye Perch. Very tough fighters pound for pound.[cool]
Thanks for bringing this one back.[
Thanks for bringing this one back.[

02-06-2006, 04:53 PM
I would say Small mouth Bass
02-06-2006, 09:08 PM
I bet the author of this thread was probably looking for a general response, but here goes my experience. I founf t hat my worst fight ever was with a catfish. We went back and forth for quite a while, and he ultimately won when he broke my line. I did managae to bring it inclose enough to see, but man my rod was very bent too *way more than usual*.
02-07-2006, 10:36 AM
Smallmouth for sweet water, Blues for salt.
02-07-2006, 11:56 PM
I'll have to say wipers they hit hard it feels like you are pulling in a log that pulls back
02-10-2006, 08:09 PM
Bone fish and gold fish[

02-11-2006, 03:33 AM

02-13-2006, 03:48 AM
Hey wvmusky. Welcome aboard. I see that you are not a brand new member but this is your first post that gets you on the board.
Please feel free to post a few fishing reports. We would all be interested to see how the fishing is in your area.[cool]
Please feel free to post a few fishing reports. We would all be interested to see how the fishing is in your area.[cool]
02-14-2006, 01:10 AM
All the previous replies are honest and true, however, there is but a single species of fish that is 100% balls the entire fight until he's landed and in the boat, and most of the time even after he's in the boat, GROUPER. The more notorious Grey Grouper and Warshaw Grouper, are probably responsible for more broken lines than most any other saltwater species of fish. Anglers target marlin in excess of 200 pounds with 20 pound class tackle, and land them with no problems with and experianced crew and a patient hand. But a nasty 30 pound grouper will reack havok on lines way above their wieght class, ripping 60 and 80 pound test mono in half. Their brute strength and rebelious attitude make them the king of the hill in my book. I'm shure anyone who's landed a nice grouper would have no problem agreeing with that.