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Thought this would be fun, there is such a problem with utah chubs in strawberry and we all love catching lake trout[sly] why dont they stock them in strawberry.
The cutthroats have taken out the major population of small chubs. When they get big enough they'll eat the medium sized ones (already doing that) and the large ones breed to keep the small chubs coming, more treats for the cutts. The Chub Prince will not be very happy with this question[Tongue].
I agree, I would really like to hear the replies though not only it will be fun[cool] reading but interesting as well, there are not many big lakes for the Macs to grow to there potential around here, I think strawberry would be a good one mabey even jordanelle? I have never been on that one yet, I don't know how deep it is.

what are your thoughts lets here it.
[cool]Jordanelle is certainly deep enough for macs with the area just out from the mouth of the Rock Cliff Arm being about 240 feet deep...Wouldn't want the macs to wreck the Smallmouth fishery there though. I guess they can co-exist at the Gorge though, so...[crazy]
Yeck Yes. And while we're at it why not toss in a few thousand Northerns and/or Muskie, zillion carp, more crappies than you can count in 3 days time,,and just for chits and giggles, a perch. I'd advice against Smallie's though, those ugly bass wouldnt stand a chance with that perch in the pond [sly]
There really isn't much of a problem with chubs in the Berry anymore. The cutts in there have really kept them in check, and the red shiners are pretty non-existant.

The macks would feed on the cutts like they were candy, and I don't think the DWR would like the millions of dollars they spend on Berry cutts to turn into fish food.
hey while where stalking all those fish in there lets put wipers in pineview so they can get some size on them
Wipers in Pineview is a great idea not just because they would get bigger but because everyone that jetski's waterski's at Willard are at Pineview now so why not ruin that Wiper fishery too!!! HAHAHA[Tongue] If you guys ever go to Colorado fishing make a stop in Pueblo, Co and fish the Pueblo Reservoir, that is where I am from and the wipers there get 20+ lbs.
Man.... that would be a fight... [cool]
hey con-man Strawberry is a bad lake for lake trout. that's the Utah DWR's show lake.. more effert money and time go into Steawberry than any other water in utah for sport fishing.. so to even think about playing with there planes would never get off the ground..

a better lake for lake trout would be E-Lake.. it's deep has good spowing grounds for them and a good suply of yellowstone cutt's to munch on plus the red side shiners..

sounds good but it would never happen.

it would only last for 15 to 20 years with laker's in it anyway.. would be fun while it lasted tho..
Yeah why not. HA!
According to R. P. Anderson in his book "Mackinaw Trout The Story of Fish Lake", that PIKEMAN99 so kindly recently gave to me, "Strawberry Reservoir used to have Macks in it until the reservoir froze over in 1922 or 1932, and winter-killed them all." He also states, "Deer Creek Reservoir, at present (1975), has Mackinaw trout in it. Some have already been caught. Last year 115 male Macks from two to six pounds were planted in Deer Creek... as a bonus for the anglers. I was told the Utah Wildlife Resources Divsion did so because they didn't want the Macks to get started there." The other places that he lists that he thought currently had macks or had macks sometime in the past are: Lake Mary (in Brighton), Lake Brimhall (over Guardsman's Pass from Brighton), Lake Blanche (in Big Cottonwood Canyon), Twin Lakes Reservoir (in Brighton), Donkey Lake (in Southern Utah), Elizabeth Lake and Blue Lake (in the Uintahs), and Panguitch Lake.

PS -- my apologies to fuzzyfisher. A few years ago we fished Strawberry together and he told me that at one time Strawberry had macks in it, and I talked him out of it. He was probably right.

What a terrible name! [Sad][Tongue]
Now you've done it. All those lakes, dear to my heart, where I go mack fishing on my days off, where I catch 20 and 30 pounders every trip, are now out in the open. Now everybody will be going to all of them and educatiing all the huge macks in them. So much for my secret places to go on days off. Just great Kent.

I didn't know about them in the Berry though, so I guess I'll start going there.
Hey , I like my fish stupid at the Berry , so don't go and educate them . [Tongue]
Kent , I had the pleasure of reading a book that the Utah Fish and Game wrote back in the sixty . It was a good read . Amazing what they planted back then . I knew guy in Bountiful that had the book and I had to give it back to him . I wish I had a copy of it .
Hey , I like my fish stupid at the Berry , so don't go and educate them . [Tongue] [/reply]
Wow that is so true haahaaha stupid fish at the berry hahaha I would hate for someone to have to work for catching fish up there. [sly]
Wipers in Pineview is a great idea not just because they would get bigger but because everyone that jetski's waterski's at Willard are at Pineview now so why not ruin that Wiper fishery too!!! HAHAHA[Tongue] If you guys ever go to Colorado fishing make a stop in Pueblo, Co and fish the Pueblo Reservoir, that is where I am from and the wipers there get 20+ lbs.

Why go that far when you can just go to Southern Utah? Give it another two years, and Southern Utah will be home to the state record Wiper.

Lake Trout in Strawberry? They'd never make it! Where would they live? Strawberry Reservoir has a serious oxygen depletion problem in deeper areas of the lake. That would be a very cruel joke to put lake trout in the 'Berry...
You forgot Starvation was planted with lakers as well....
...I thought I was up on all this, but when you said that Southern Utah will be just as good in the future...just exactly what are you talking about? [crazy]
