Fishing Forum

Full Version: Fishing Monday 6/11
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I have a day off on Monday and I am planning to fish. I am thinking of putting the boat on Deer Creek or East Canyon or Jordenelle or...
Is anyone interested in joining me and helping out with a little gas. I have room for 2 more. Fishing location can be determined jointly.
After reading LH2's report this morning maybe I'll make it Willard.
Myself and flycasting will probably be out there Neldon. If we do make it official i will shoot you a pm and we can meet up out there somewhere.
Right now I'm thinking of hitting Pineview Sunday morning early and Willard Sunday evening and sleeping in on Monday. Then fishing somewhere close Monday. Possibly the new community pond in Riverton.
Ok, i will let you know what we are going to do sunday night for sure.
Looks like its back to plan A. Pineview Sunday, tomorrow am. Then bring my son home. He says he can't do an all dayer and go to work monday. Room for one more in the boat.

Then somewhere else Monday am. I have to be to work early Tuesday. Room for 2 in the boat.