Hey Nate, And others with experiance. What are you folks using for line and/or leaders on the bigger Tigers ? I have been getting the smaller ones to bite but if I get something a little bigger, Are you guys using Spider wire, steel leaders etc. ?
I'm not very experienced, I've caught a few off a boat[
]. Personally I've tried alot of rigs, steel leeder, 20#leader ect, But I feal that braided spiderwire works best because it doesn't affect the lure presentation It is very hard to break, Because it's all one line. I use the 30# thats equivellent 8# tess. I haven't caught one yet this year without my boat[unsure].
Ive tried that spider wire before, I wasnt sure if it was too visable ?
I had had any luck while using it, But Im fairly certain it would be one of the hardest ones for them to break off !
[#005000]Has anyone tried the fireline crystal?[/#005000]
I use the berkley fireline (crystal) , I absolutly love it!!!! I has no memory, and very smooth casting. Its seems very durable. Kind of spendy for only 125yrds....I put monoline on about a 1/3 of the way then attatch my fireline to the monoline to make my money stretch longer.
I usually fish 8-12 lb mono with about 8" of 25 lb flourocarbon line as the leader. I tie the lines together with a surgeons knot and attach a quick snap on the end of the leader with a 3 twist clinch knot. I have only seen a Tiger get clean through it once. I think it broke poor Johns heart when that Tiger took his lure without even a thout.[
Laugh it up, chuckles.[
You know I am just laughing my butt off thinking about it!!! I dont think I ever saw a person take a lost lure so bad[
I've been using spiderwire, seems to to ok, it looks a little frayed when it dries, but other then that it's been good to me. later chuck