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Ok some of you guys are gonna giggle at this but I will ask the question anyway. Are there Blue Catfish in Utah lake?
I ask this because I met a guy who was so certain that there were that he was willing to put $100 on it and show me the place were he catches them. Needless to say I have not seen the guy since, however could his story be true and not a tall fisherman's tale?[Wink]
[cool][#0000ff]There are no blue catfish in Utah Lake. There are some bluish colored spawning male cats, that look blue. Some goobers insist they are blue cats. Others call them blue channel cats. But, they are not the species recognized as blue cats.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Utah Lake is the subject of a lot of "urban legends". Almost everybody knows somebody who knows somebody who heard tell of giant blue cats, flathead cats or even huge tropical catfish that grew large eating big whole carp after being released from someone's aquarium. "There are warm springs that they live in, ya know."[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]You may believe what you hear, but if you believe what you read...from a "reliable source"...check the DWR proclamation and other publications that list the species in Utah. Nowhere will you find blue cats listed as being present in Utah. And, if you check back through all of the old writings that list the different species DWR has tried in different waters, nowhere will you find any record of blue cats being planted anywhere...ever.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]But, you can always tell a stupid fisherman. You just can't tell them much. I have encountered several guys around Utah Lake that were ready to go to war when I challenged their claims about seeing or catching blue cats or flatheads. It does not matter what proof or science you bring into the argument. You can't confuse them with facts when their minds are made up.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Next time, take the bet...but have somebody YOU KNOW hold the money until you can settle the issue.[/#0000ff]