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Full Version: Flaming Gorge Smallmouth Report- 6/11
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I hit the lake for a couple of hours last night, fishing from 7-9pm in Dutch John Draw. Smallmouth action was hot and just about any presentation worked including grubs, jigs, and cranks in crawdad colors. Most of the fish were small, but a couple pushed a pound using a 5-inch green w/ gold flake Senko. For the last half hour, the lake flattened out and the top water bite was sensational. I was throwing a Pop-R in chrome and got hits almost every cast. Water temps were 60-62 F. Hope it helps.
Thanks for the report Ryno . I just got back from Rock Springs today and sure wanted to swing by the water on my way home tonight but dang company van tracks me on GPS everwhere I go .
Nice report Ryno. Were you in a boat or on shore?
Boat, but the fish were right on shore (2-10ft). I would suspect you could do some damage walking the shoreline early or late in the day. Good luck.