[font "Poor Richard"][size 3][green]I am talking about those aluminum pliers. Like a salt water version that goes for $149. [shocked] Probably if you bought a similar one in Sears for your work shop it might run you $25 or so. Anyhow I am not about to invest that much money for something that my other group of hardware could handle just as effectively. Do you own a pair or will you be springing for one in the near future?[/green][/size][/font]
[center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]
This sucker sells for $155.00 [shocked] and it isn't even made out of gold.[/size][/green][/font] [/center]
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=26465;]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=26465;)
not me...not at that price.. finance manager would kill me...
MacFly [cool]
no I don't. But they are stylish and feel good in the hand.
I have some made by Shimano. They were about $140.....less than those. That allowed me to get some extra materials for this, that, and the other.
I even had $20 left over for 2 gallons of California gasoline[pirate]
Orvis also has them. I think they are made out of Titanium, which means they are light as heck.
I have to agree with the old man on this one, if you could go with out LOOSING them, they would last you for you entire life and probably three generations after you. In other words, you would only need to buy them ONCE! Abels are GREAT!
not disputing quality and generations etc.. but I look at it this way...
add $50.00 and I have a new rod...
thats at least three orders or more to bluefly for new flies.. that would end up being closee to 250 - 300 flies...
thats an extra spool for my reel plus a new fly line and leaving me enough to take the wife out to dinner (not fast food) so as to keep me out of trouble for ordering in more ff'ing stuff...[laugh]
MacFly [cool]
I'm a firm believer in Gerber Multi-tools. IMHO you just can't beat 'em.
You said it....Gerber....not just a Baby food[laugh]
okay Im gonna look silly here.. but which multi tool are you speaking about.. hehehe as it turns out I have a green light to put in an order today...so if the place has it.. I get to get it so to speak.. lol.. dont you just love those yearly age events.. .[shocked]
MacFly [cool]
I thought you were just getting the sling and some boxes....you get gadgets also?[laugh][laugh][laugh]
Alan uses a Leatherman tool and loves it. I just have a nice knife, but to you an all others....check this out:
[url "http://www.orvis.com/store/product_choice.asp?pf_id=97R1&dir_id=758&group_id=792&cat_id=7894&subcat_id=6021"]http://www.orvis.com/store/product_choice.asp?pf_id=97R1&dir_id=758&group_id=792&cat_id=7894&subcat_id=6021[/url]
[red][size 4]ON SALE EVEN![/size][/red]
[#ff0000][size 4][/size][/#ff0000]
[inline "the tool.bmp"]
[#ff0000][size 4][/size][/#ff0000]
lol..speaking of the sling.. it came in yesterday.. .did not get the multi clipper thingy since it is on back order.. so may just have to send off to orvis again.. lol. tippet holder.. pliers..lol.. and then bluyefly cafe.. whhhooooooooppppppiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Well my whole point was the darn cost of those pliers.[pirate] Just for the hell of it I checked out the cost of surgical instruments and nothing seemed to cost what they want for those fishing pliers. Now if you gave me one or they were just a sawbuck or two well yea why not. [/size][/green][/font]
Im glad you said that.. I mean come on.. I am just starting.. wife has a heart attack when I say ff'ing order.. so trying to keep costs down a bit.. I only use the pliers or crush the barb.. I found a pair (I think orvis) for 6.00... but lost the darn link...
and that anothrer thing.. I find a good price on one item on one site.. then find a good price of another item on a second site etc.. why in the sam hill cant these big guys all carry common items for a reasonable cost??? i.e these pliers.. or a stripping basket ranging from 10.00 - 70.00 or so.. [mad]
MacFly [cool]
You said it....Gerber....not just a Baby food[laugh] [/reply]
nope.. not just your average jar of strained peas!
okay Im gonna look silly here.. but which multi tool are you speaking about.. hehehe as it turns out I have a green light to put in an order today...so if the place has it.. I get to get it so to speak.. lol.. dont you just love those yearly age events.. .[shocked]
MacFly [cool] [/reply]
Happy birthday MacFly [cool]
Happy Birthday little Bro. Dryrod, just guessing but I bet he is 52, which in that case maybe I should change my opener LOL
MF I think the ideal B-Day present would be the trip the "H" in September![cool] Who knows, you could right it off as a learning experience! Wouldn't catching a 28" Hybrid make your year?!
[black][size 3]Hey Macfly55, [/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]If it is your birthday, congrats.[/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]We have something in common. [/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!![/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3][/size]
[#002850]Thank you all for the warm wishes.. my b-day is this coming Sunday..and as amazing as it sounds.. FG is spot on with the age...[/#002850]
[#002850] [/#002850]
[#002850]FG I am still saving my coins and extra one or fives for that trip.. I am not counting it out.. :-).. and yes .. Id love to catch a fish that big.. never come close to that ... ever... [/#002850]
[#002850] [/#002850]
[#002850]and Happy B-day to you as well Saberfish.. hope you have many more years to come.. or is that go.. or get thru.. lol...[/#002850]
...are you saying I am older than you??? lol.. whooops.. I know better than to ask any woman that question.. please dont hate me now FG...[laugh]