Kinda which I did, I ruined my perfect score, 14 ling trips this year with a boat limit on every trip...Number 15 only got a half a boat limit, ran out of daylight,,,we ran out Friday after work, caught some greenling for bait then ran to one of my favorite spots to find the tide ripen too hard,,,no biggy just wait awhile we goofed of with swim baits catching a hand full of small ones and the tide slowed, so we hit the drop again and again, but no one was home,,,,so on the way in I see this nice point that I had never fished before, we pulled over and I caught a 34 and a 32 incher on back to back cast's just couldnt coax another 2 out of the rocks...oh well...DJ
PS Justine caught a rock complete with salad
So what's next DJ, what fish are you going to chase now?
Spring kings on the Skagit until July 1st then salt kings/crabs in the sound,,,and Ill do a little silvers lator in the summer, but mostly I'm a king snob "if it don't weight 20 pounds I don't want it to bite my line" I also like to fish chum salmon CnR in October,,,they are OK smoked but so much fun to catch,,,I fish low in the river pulling plugs and they hit like a fright train,,,Some people like to floss them way up-stream and they don't know what they are missing getting one hooked up that just came into the river...November Starts the Fish of Kings the mighty steelhead which Is my favorite
ah, you blue bloods are all the same.[

] those kings are a lot of fun, I love seeing them jump, but then I hate seeing them jump, cause that is usualy when I loose them... LOL
they are just so dang butiful when they come out compleatly out of the water, I loose track of what it is that I am doing... LOL
OK--I've just added that to my "to-do" fishing list. I'd love to take some photos of the kings jumping out of the water. Guess I will have to kiss up to the relatives in Seattle and see if they will take me fishing out there.[

I like the kings to be too fat to jump
Even whales know how to jump! Hard to believe there are fish that big in that river.
you get them things in your blood, your relitives up that way will become next of kin...[laugh]
we dont get the big ones like you get over there, our bigens run about 20-25 pounds, we got bigger, just no one gets them because we are using 12-14 pund test line.... I think out that way they run 35-50 pounds....[shocked]
they do come all the way out clearing the waters serface by a good 4-5 feet..
Im glad this whale (orca) didnt jump, thats the right side corner of my 14 foot lund...the Orca is the "A"male from the J-pod that lives in the San Jaun Islands...hes got a thing for my boat he has come from over a mile away to say Hi...puts a big lump in my throat, makes my guest crap there pants...DJ
Beautiful...shows the difference between fishing in the Sound and fishing in an Idaho reservoir. [laugh] Great photo op! Maybe you should paint orca eyes on the front of your Lund as a good luck talisman.
He's allready courious about my little boat, the last thing I want is him wanting to hump it..hahahaha hes about 25 feet long
He knows you catch alot of fish, probably looking for a free meal. lol
Try hand feeding him next time.[

theres good reason they say dont feed the bears.[shocked]
them whales are relitives to the wolf, so the sientest say.
so rewarding the wale with food or teaching it to play fetch can have devistating affects to small 14 foot craft.
and remember this, the one thing you never want to do to a wale is wave [sly][laugh][angelic]
cool pix, glad I wasnt there to take them....
sheeshe. just inches between you and a set of jaws.
I guess the up side is that it wasnt a great white that took an intrest in your 14 footer..