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Full Version: Daniels and Devils creek 6/15/07
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I went up to Daniels with Maniac on Saturday. We fished from about 7 am until around 10:30. Maniac was the only one that managed to catch a fish. He caught his fish on a pink Ice cut'r wow! Who fishes with pink anyways. But it seemed to work he had several bites but only caught one. I had a few hits but didn't put anything in the boat. The fish were focused in on the dragon flies. If we would of had a dragon fly pattern we could of done pretty good.
We decided to go up to Devils creek and try for some bass. This ended up being a good move. I can't tell you how many bass we caught But my arm actually got sore from setting the hook. We caught all our fish on Maniacs new color Blue magic in the 4 inch grub. We never caught anything big. Most of all our fish were between 11 and 12 inches with only a handful going over 12. But the fish were fat and they put up a good fight for there size.
Nice report Brian, those reports from Daniels and Devils creek are few and far between. Did you troll any lures at Daniels? We usually troll flatfish when we fish it and do good. Good to hear you guys got into the bass, I did not know Devils creek had bass, is that something new to that lake?
Curt we didn't do any trolling probley should of, but of well. I don't know how long the bass have been in Devils creek. I heard about it just the other day so we decided to try it. I would like to know if anyone is getting anything bigger than 13 inches. Those bass are really healthy and should be a kick but bass fishery in a couple of years if not already. We might of just been in the small ones, but after catching at least 50 of them you would think we could catch something a little bigger.
[cool]There are a few large bass in devil creek. i caught two that were well over 3 lbs last year. haven't caught anything larger than 13" this year. We are having a tournament this Saturday, I will post the results after we get done.
Hey Wackmaster, do you have any idea how long bass have been in Devils creek? By the sounds of it, they must have been in there at least three years or so, does that sound about right. WH2
last was the first year that I caught any bass at Devil creek. I have talked to a couple of people that caught some fish 2 years ago.