I went up to Wyoming over the weekend and logged some miles doing the cutt slam. It was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it. I was only going to go for 2 or 3 of the strains, but got caught up in it and went for all 4. Beautiful country and beautiful fish.
how far did you have to travel to get 4 different species?
I started up through Cokeville and fished Smith's Fork. Went over to the Greys River valley and fished the Greys. Then up over the mountains to fish North Cottonwood Creek. Then finally up and over to Dubois, and fished a small stream called Bear Creek about 20 miles outside of town. A lot of miles in 48 hours but worth it.
That is an enjoyable quest- Have done a it a few times- trying to hit different waters each time. The last time was the best and the longest. We put a 12" limit- nothing under counted .