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[font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][#003366]2003 Winter Bald Eagle Survey Results[/#003366][/font]
[Image: baldeagle_2397_7.jpg][font "arial, helvetica, sans-serif"][black]

The results of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) 2003 winter bald eagle survey are in! This year’s tally results from 3,461 reported sightings submitted by eagle spotters in 79 Michigan counties. As in past years, high concentrations of eagles primarily occurred in areas with ice-free waters.

One thousand sixty nine eagles were sighted in the Upper Peninsula, 1176 were counted in the northern Lower Peninsula, and 1216 eagles were sighted in the southern Lower Peninsula. Within specific counties, high sightings were reported in Saginaw (153), Ottawa (292) and Chippewa (170) counties. Specific sites within these counties include the Shiawassee National Wildlife Refuge in Saginaw County, the Grand River corridor in Ottawa County, and the St. Mary's River corridor in Chippewa County.

Complete [url ""][#0000ff]2003 survey results[/#0000ff][/url] are available, as are [url ""][#0000ff]historical survey results[/#0000ff][/url].

Although they nest mainly in the Upper Peninsula and the northern Lower Peninsula, bald eagles are seen throughout the state during the winter as they move south to stay ahead of the ice and congregate near open water. Immature birds may move even further south.

[url ""][#0000ff]The DNR[/#0000ff][/url] and the [url ""][#0000ff]U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service[/#0000ff][/url] (USFWS)wish to thank those individuals who participated in this project. This annual survey is a valuable management tool that aids in maintaining a database about bald eagles, which are listed as a threatened species and are protected under the [url ""][#0000ff]Bald Eagle Act and the Migratory Bird Treaty Act[/#0000ff][/url].

The survey is sponsored by the DNR Natural Heritage Program in cooperation with the USFWS and was made possible through the Nongame Fish and Wildlife Fund, which is primarily funded by sales of Michigan’s [url ",1607,7-153-10370_12141---,00.html"][#0000ff]wildlife habitat license plate[/#0000ff][/url].

Visit the [url ""][#0000ff]DNR, Endangered and Nongame Wildlife Web site[/#0000ff][/url] for more information on endangered and threatened animals, wildlife viewing opportunities and other features.[/black][/font]