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Full Version: tiger musky help
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[size 1]I am going to Pineview reservoir in utah tomorrow and thinking about trying my luck with the tigers or smallies on the fly rod. any help on flies and presentation would be great. [/size]
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[size 1]Joe[/size]
this is FG territory..hopefully she will be on soon... also.. you may want to repost this on the utah board.. good people there and one of FG's other hang outs.. [Smile]

MacFly [cool]
Actually I have not fished for the Muskie. Pineview is a watercraft circus so I stay away, specially on the weekends.
But I have from reliable sources been told a 6wt will work, and haresears, plus maybe black Wooly's. You might have to sight fish for them. Also don't forget, very heavy or wire tippet.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hey there shark_hunter thanks for stopping by and making a post. Thought that I would add my 2 cents. Don't know anything about Muskies but here is some thoughts on catching SMB. A size #12 nymph should work or don’t be afraid to throw even smaller sizes of flies at SMB. Some patterns to use include Elk Hair Caddis, Mickey Finn, Copper Muddler Minnow, Crayfish, Clouser Minnow. A 5wt w/floating line will do fine. A 6wt will also work. Remember play it cool by minimizing false casting and slowly approach the area where you plan to cast. SMB spook very easily. Good luck.[/size][/green][/font]
thanks for the help I will let you know how I do.

[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hey there shark_hunter just noticed that your little one has his/hers own rod. A real cutie. No wonder why daddy looks so proud.[/size][/green][/font]
I've hit some pretty good pickeral on streamers, clouser minnows, or check this one out: [url ""][/url]

Sili legs in chartreuse, salt water fly as well.
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I like the added orange strips. Might include them on my next tie. Where were you catching those pickerels?[/size][/green][/font]
try to keep it 60lb or more on the business end.. I use 100lb Fluoro leaders for casting baits to Esox 'round here.
Pocono Pa. lakes, Promised Land Lake and Peck's Pond, espn did a nice online article regarding Peck's pond pickeral not long ago. Saw the Pickeral in Promised Land lower lake go on a feeding rampage last summer, nothing else like it, your hands weren't even safe in the water, bigger fish grabbing onto smaller hooked fish, it was nuts. They were like sharks feeding near and under my pontoon, racing after everything, those pickeral can be some rough characters, lol. Hoping to go back in the next few weeks.
she saw it at the store and reached for it. at that point I new without a shadow of a doiubt she was my flesha nd blood.
