Fished pineview with thursday with my nephews and a friend from work. Got on the water about 7 am and fishing started out slow with 1 five pound carp in the first three hours. Finally found some fish bout 10 am when Jeremy had a tiger explode out of the water at his lure. He missed the hookset put a few minutes later I hooked up under the same brush pile. Then we all had a few follows but no bites over the next half hour. Then it was Alex who hooked up. That was the last Fish landed as we all lost at least one fish on the way to the boat. A good day for our first time tiger fishing. Two fish in the boat, and a dozen follows and hookups. No monsters but a start.
Nice report! Going to head up Sun and Mon Chasing Tigers and Crappies. Thanks!
Just a couple of questions? Where you fishing shallow or deeper water with more or less success. and which part of the lake?
Fished mostly shallow 5 feet and less. Tried deeper water with nothing other than a carp too show for it. The area we were fishing was mostly the middle arm (not sure of the name of the area as this was my first trip to pineview).
Hey thanks for the reply I was just wonder, I fish the middle arm mostly also. Most of the fish I have boated this year have been on the deep side more than five feet. In years past I would fish the top 5 to 18" of water not top water but almost and would do very well. That has not been the case this year I have had to completely change my tatics.
Thanks for sharing.
Nice job on those tigers imi going out for them tomorrow
We'll be up there tomorrow. I get to try out my musky buck. That lure is a beast. Hopefully it will hook into something nice. I'll post tomorrow night with results hopefully some pictures will be included.