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Wednesday night about 10:30 or so I woke with a burning spot on my arm (hurt like hell) and just got worse so the wife and I headed for the ER and doctor..

Well to make a long story short I had to stay over night and by 7:00 the next morning I wanted out freedom about 8:00 and was told no using of the arm for a day witch meant NO FISHING ....

The DR. said it was a spider bite I don't know couldn't find any thing when we looked....

Today I headed to the Nell to test the arm and after over 50 bass and a few perch I think its OK...

I got to Jordanelle at 4:15 and was fishing by 4:30 got a bass on my first cast (top water) and by the time I left at 12:00 I had boated over 50 fish with 5 over 20" the biggest at 23" and weight 7.2 LB it was a great day on the Nell (the arm is good but the thumbs are sore).....

That is a good day. I'm headed up there in the morning. Got any pics?
Pretty scary about that spider bite, two things I hate-spiders and obnoxious water skiiers.
Spider bites can be nasty. Glad you're ok. What kind of spider do they think it was?

Here's a picture of a brown recluse spider bite. Warning: Not for the squeamish.

[url ""]Link[/url]
They didn't say and some of the names they did say was those long Tongue tided type of words....[unsure]

Spider bites can be quite troublesome. Highly unlikely it was a recluse, as they are kinda shy, and their bites just fester and fester for weeks on end before they heal up.
Where's the pics? I would really like to see that 23" 7 pounder.
Fyi, According to the head Ranger at Jordanelle, You can be cited for entering the State Park before 6am.

I don't try to take pictures when I'm alone any more just don't work, and some times the fish are coming fast so no time to try if the wind is up....

They leave the gate open for us to get in as long as you pay or have a pass they don't care unless you try to stay the night....

I have ben in the gate as early as 3:00 in the morning and seen the ranger making the rounds and all he said was good fishing....

Wow Tome I didn't know that. I hit it all the time before 6. I have had a problem getting out after the curfew though. Seems they lock the exit gate, both at RC and the main gate.

I'll ask on my next trip there. Seems if I pay my money and the leave the gates open it shouldn't be problem. I never play the stereo loud on my tube.
The problem is not really with the fisherfolk. They are trying avoid problems with pavillons and campgrounds getting poached. The will acomidate you if you make arrangements in advance.

As long as you pay and are NOT camping or staying for all night they don't care if you are just fishing.....

Its the ones that try to stay all night and only pay for day use....
That makes sense to me. I know most of the rangers that work there. They all have done their duty and checked my licsene, bag limit, safety items and my season pass, ect. A couple have joined me in a fish taco or two at RC. They really are nice bunch up there. I bet if I put the stereo on that tube I caould raise their eye brows. It would be funny though, not great for fishin.
They lock the gates friday and saturday nights, plus holidays. The problem is people are driving into the park through the exit gate(this will get you cited). Sunday thru thursday the are usually open.

Must be why I seldom have a problem. I try and avoid the zoo on weekends. I don't think the majority of boaters understands wakeless mean wakeless. Not, "I going way slower than i want to" LOL. Or "it's just a little wake if ya cna't handle that maybe you shouldn't be on the water". That one is my personal favorite. It will also get that nice individual a nice responce. But I do understand what is going on there. And thanks for the info.
Sounds like a black widow bite. When I lived in Clearfield I open my garage to go out to the truck in the driveway and I thought there was a fly or a bee flying under the door and walked right by it. Out of the corner of my eye the fly/bee was right next to my arm and of course it wasnt a fly but a black widow hanging from a web. I did a chicken dance and it fell off but I thought it was gonna bite me for sure. Ive heard its a very painfull bite.