Fishing Forum

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[cool] I went fishing in the battlecreek area of Utah lake in the waning dying last hours of sunset, man what a beautiful glorious end to a awesome day with its perfect weather!

I was all alone in that area, I fished dutifully for two hours til dark, I was very much pleasantly surprised to be catching a brand new year class of walleyes in the 5-7 inch range. I remarked to myself " thank goodness for the Federal grant to keep the water level sustainable for the June Suckers, well it most certainly is helping those baby walleyes thrive very much so.

I caught 11 baby walleyes... but no bad mothers of theirs! It was a real nice treat indeed! I caught and released them all so they can become bad mothers themselves.
Good news is right! Thanks for the report, and thanks for helping out the Utah Lake walleye!

Nice report glad you got in to the eyes....

That is great news. The eyes have been takin' a beatin' as of late. Glad to see some smaller fish surviving.
Hey guys, I dunno about this piece of news if true, then its bad news. Some of you know I am starting to hear better each day with my cochlear implant. I loved hearing birds with all their cacaphony of noises. Their noises are in the high pitch range which override the other dangerous warning noises such as a rattlesnake with their rattling noises. I had trouble differentating between birds and snakes because there are more birds tweeting over the rattlers.

Ok heres the thing, my son wanted me to take him fishing so I thought it would be cool to take him to battlecreek where I had caught baby walleyes just recently. Well... after we had just arrived and starting pitching lines into the creek when my son told me he can hear rattlers nearby in four different places near us. That unnerved me that I had to put my pole down to see if I can spot any snakes... My son kept telling me he can hear them in the two hours we were fishing... the reeds and trees were blocking any view of the snakes. I didnt see any snakes.

I can kind of beleive that there are snakes because of the city dump that is right nearby that can breed mices and rats. Snakes love them, plus the water is right nearby for any wildlife to thrive... Snakes love birds as well.

Can anyone confirm that they have heard rattlers in the utah lake/battlecreek area???

I need to know this because if it is true, then I need for my children to be safe!

We caught cats and bass in there yesterday but no walleyes so it was fun for my son. My son was kind of freaked out by the scary noise by the snakes but the catching made up for it.[shocked]
Congrats on the implant! My wife had one in early April; first chance we've had to afford it! She has a genetic hearing loss, and went through 2 severe drops last summer in her better ear. She's worn hearing aids her whole life.
Things have been improving greatly for her with every "tune up" we get at the U Med Center.
Good luck with yours!
Thanks Unita ice! I really love my implant and really love being in mother nature with all her sounds of wildlife.

The other day, I had a campfire going, I didnt realize that fire has a sound of its own roaring as you stoke the fire. Whew... I can only imagine what a tree on fire sounds like in Lake Tahoe!

I had mine implanted by a Dr. Shelton last August and activated following september. I get mine mapped at University of Utah by a lady named Lisa Dahlstrom... you probably know who she is. I call them two, "my miracle workers!" It really is a blessing to have this implant because I wore my hearing aids all my life and all those sounds are flat! Now with this implant all those sounds comes to life with richness in tone and pitch. Its a wonderful world with its technology![cool]