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I have a little dilemna, and thought some of you 'Berry experts could be so kind...

I haven't been to the Berry for many a year and could use some help. My brother and I are going to take my boys camping and fishing this weekend but we're not sure where the best/cheapest access for overnight camping would be? I just printed out a map, and it looks like they all will cost $$...

Is there any spots you guys recommend? We just need a place to put up a tent, and if we have to drive down to the lake, then so be it.

Also, as far as good fishing areas go...does anyone have any ideas where an 11 yr old and 7 yr old boy might have the best luck from the bank?

Thank you very much for your help guys!
We like to camp by Mud Creek. There is a sign on the main road,(about 1/2 a mile before the Strawberry bay turn off that says Mud creek. Turn right (west) and drive up the road until you find a place you like. You do not have to pay to camp. Try Haws point for fishing.
Have fun.
I like to camp at Soldier Creek but it cost 14.00 a night . Fish are deep for the most part . Fish early and late from shore or if you have a boat look for fish 30' to 85' . Not a lot of fish bunched up yet but you can find some trolling or jigging . Bows are 50 ' down in the sunshine .