Next week I am going to taking a uhaul truck from Denver to San Diego and thought it would be to make my route such that I could stop along the way and fish for a few hours.
If you got any suggests please send me an email or PM or post it here.
Thank you
I am not your best resource and I am sure tn2 will chime in on this one but here is a link to [url ""]SD lakes[/url] that may give you the information that you are asking for. Almost anything north of the San Diego area would in tn2 and dr's backyards [

Hope this helps.
MacFly [cool]
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there Scruffy_Fly well one thing for sure San Diego has much better weather than Orange County to the north. Which route are you planning to take? There are some good lakes available if you will be coming down the I-15. BTW if you want to see any rain you will need to bring your own. Up here in OC we have had only 2+ inches since July 06. Good luck.[/size][/green][/font]
My thoughts were that there is a lot of water between Denver and SD. I was thinking of trying something in between here. More of a creek or a river since that is what I am used to fishing. I was thinking of maybe Lees Ferry in Arizona but I can't afford to hire a guide and a boat and I understand the fishing is quite limited if you try to wade. Or maybe the San Juan below the reservoir in New Mexico. Or maybe something in Utah.
But it may make more sense to stop some where in western Colorado to fish.
San Juan is supposedly a ringer .. ever look into the Enchanted circle area further North?
never heard of it. Tell me more.
I just remembered that a friend said the San Juan is not fishing well right now as the flows are up high right now.
Here is a suggestion or several. Both I70 and I15 near the I70/I15 interchange in the middle of nowhere, I mean Utah are a little iffy to travel due to a huge wildfire right now. But a little detore might get you into some great sceanery and some fishing. Just west of Green River Utah, get off I70 and drive south toward Hanksville. The scenery here is butt ugly but it gets better. In hanksville stay right and drive through Capital Reef National Park or Monument ( I can't remember which). The scenery here is great. Just west of Capital Reef Turn left and drive over Boulder Mountain to Boulder Utah. There are many lakes and great fishing on Boulder Mountain but you need to either off road or hike to them. The Scenery is great. At Boulder stay right and drive toward Escalanti, Utah. You will be unprepared for the scenery between Boulder and Escalanti. Between Escalanti and Panguich Utah you will pass near Bryce Canyon NP and cross the East Fork of the Severe River ( a blue ribbon trout steam). Ask about in Escalanti about access and tackle and you could buy a license there. If you continue west you will hit highway 89 just south of Panguich. If you turn south there are several roads you can take to rejoin I15. Highway 20 is probably the quickest. This rout will lengthen your trip as many of the roads are 2 lane mountain roads rather than 75 MPH freeway but it might be worth you time. Get a map out and check it out. Good Luck
Those suggestions sound like they might be a reasonable diversion.
I presume that the blue ribbon fishing you refer to on the Sevier Creek is down stream of Tropic Reservoir.
I will have to give that some thought.
Both up stream and down stream of Tropic reservoir is good fishing this time of the year. I think there are bigger fish down stream.
well lets see here.. the road loop from Taos to Questa, Red River Eagle Nest, Angel Fire and back to Taos has some interesting waters.. creeks, streams, ponds .. I think its either Eagle Nest or Angel Fire that has a good sized lake. I haven't been to the area in 6 years though. Saw lots of fish on my trips there. I know they promote the fishing in NM pretty well so the info shouldn't be hard to come by.. there are hatcheries and put and take streams all over the blasted place .. at least thats what my memory is kickin out from the last time down there.. something to look into.
I'll make a call to a buddy of mine down there and see what the gig is.
Thanks for the Clarification.
I do have a few notes about a couple of the creeks in that area. Will have to review them and think about what that means for my trip.
no prob .. gave Mark a call today and talked to his wife - He'll return the call this weekend sometime.
Huh?? I guess I was having a blonde moment.
When are you do to hit SoCal??? There is not much in the line of Creeks on your way over unless you can sneak in through the LA area. There a few mountain stream that are guaranteed with the right flies.
If you were able to get here around a weekend, I could take you to some of my favorite areas in the local zones of the mountains here.[cool]
I had to drastically alter my plans the day I was to move. My van would not fit on the trailer I had hired. Ended up downsizing my treasured possessions further putting a hitch on the van and pulling a trailer to SD. I ended up not being able to fish along my drive to San Diego. I did not realize how well my van would pull a heavy trailer and how cool the weather would turn out to be. So instead I gave up on travel through the high mountains. I was going to stop at least fish the Arkansas River but when I got to highway 50 the wind must have been blowing 30 miles per hour so I blew that off.
Anyways, I am here in one piece and still mentally stable. At least I am in the same mental state as when I left.
Now i have been looking at SD FF organizations. Found the Golden States FF and SDFF info.
...sorry you could not fish along the way as planned.. I am sure it would of been some great fishing.. but.. glad you made it into town safe and sound...
Welcome to Cali. Now that you are here, you may want to join us on Aug. 11th. We are planning a get together for members. You are welcome to join us. Maybe you could carpool with Macfly55. He is down in your area.
Check the details on the Cali Board. It is titled "SoCal members get together"
You can bring a tube or go tubeless. It's up to you.[cool]
Vans are wonderful. We had a Ford Econoline with the smaller V8 (the 302 or 305, whatever Ford is)
That thing was the altimate Fish Mobile. Had the rod Loft in the celling so we could pack our rod all rigged up. Plus they are comfortable as heck. I would sit in the back seat, tilt the seat back and then tilt the front passanger seat back. Put my legs over the front seat and sleep like a baby.
We pulled the Camping trailer from Salt Lake up to Henry's Lake last year and it did great.
Anyway, hope things work out for you in CA. Gotta be a lot different than CO.
It can't be all that bad in Cali. 2 of your brothers are here! hee hee.
When are you and Mojo coming out??? I'll have to make a little more room in my back yard for you guys.[cool]
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]
Oh come on now tubeN2 don't you think that a door or at least some curtains would be inorder for your special guests? [
][/size][/green][/font][/center] [center]
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=28133;]](;postatt_id=28133;)
What kind of brother do you think I am?? They are lucky if I leave paper in there![laugh][laugh]