07-12-2007, 11:02 PM
Yeah that's me, have at it. [
] Anyways, went to Pineview to try again. Was going to Ut. L. but they were having thunder showers, supposedly. Haven't had good success at the Pine this year and was wondering if I'd lost my touch.[unsure] Last year was catching nice un's.
Found out that ya gotta keep trying and not go back to what worked before. I'm stubborn that way. Got there about 9:30 (early for me). Well, fished along the shore line like always, nothing. The "Island" was above water now so the Sparinator ans I went out there and tried it. While the Spark watched I tried along the Island. Still nothing. Cast out in deeper water and immediately got myself a 15 incher. Well now, let's do that. Ended up catching about 1/2 dozen there and decided to try something new. Went back to the shore line and decided to stay deep - nothing except perch, mud cat and a couple of carryies from the Tigers that dropped my lure thank goodness. Well, I'm wondering, same "O", same "O"?? Got to some brush that was sitll in the water (water pretty far down), and cast to the edge (3Ft. depth). Wham. another 15 incher.[
] Man I love the fight of those smallies!!!!! Anyways, "light bulb on" fish the ege - ok!!! Well I cast along the edge real slow retrieve and the heaviest smallie that I may have ever caught grabbed it and was heading to the brush. Well, I hoarsed him/her to the top and into deeper water and cauught her.[shocked] Man, oh man, she only measured just over 17 but she was ripe, ripe, ripe with the biggest gut I've ever seen. Well, I thought I'd put her in my ditty bag over the tube for some latter measurements and pics. Changed my mind and decided to measure her with the little retractable tape I have on my car keys and let her go. By this time the Sparkinator decided he wanted to join in and maybe chase her if I released her. I hung my line and lure over my tube and dug my car keys out. Now I'm really trying to be carefull because I don't want to drop the car keys in the brink. Yeah, you guessed it!!!!!! [pirate] I'm measuring and my rod doubles over. Out comes another very large smallie jumping like crazy. Yep, you guessed it, rod in one hand, big ol smallie in the other, car keys in my lap in the tub and Sparky swimming around the jumping big guy. I stuff the keys in the pocket of the tube, let the big girl go and try to do something with the other big un and Sparky. Yep, that's right, broke off. [unsure] Cussed poor Sparky out and went to put another hook and lure on. Nothing there --------- my stuff is gone !!!!![shocked] Well, that tears it, fishun's done. I'm pissed and fit to be tied. Where's my fishing stuff?? Walked back to the truck and there it is on the back bumper. Lucky, lucky. All in all, I learned a lot, had a great day and was lucky to find my stuff. Got to get back and do it again. Man those smallies are great. Have you ever heard such a clutzy tale. [sly]

Found out that ya gotta keep trying and not go back to what worked before. I'm stubborn that way. Got there about 9:30 (early for me). Well, fished along the shore line like always, nothing. The "Island" was above water now so the Sparinator ans I went out there and tried it. While the Spark watched I tried along the Island. Still nothing. Cast out in deeper water and immediately got myself a 15 incher. Well now, let's do that. Ended up catching about 1/2 dozen there and decided to try something new. Went back to the shore line and decided to stay deep - nothing except perch, mud cat and a couple of carryies from the Tigers that dropped my lure thank goodness. Well, I'm wondering, same "O", same "O"?? Got to some brush that was sitll in the water (water pretty far down), and cast to the edge (3Ft. depth). Wham. another 15 incher.[
