went with the oldest grandkid today. it was slow for how many we normally catch when they come. 7 the first hour, 5 the next, 8 more by noon.
It was nice and cool while we were there because of the rain off and on. fished some new and some old, old spots. biggest fish was 17". Smallest was about 13". not counting trout or perch.
all fish was caught by dropshotting and wacky rig.
![[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=27479;]](http://www.bigfishtackle.com/cgi-bin/gforum/gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=27479;)
pics pics pics....
I didn't want to say that TD was going to put them up for me sHHHHH don't tell....
Sorry I didn't get a chance to say hello this morning. I was in the slow moving tube following you down to the river. Took your advice and fished the other side again to work on my dropshotting technic. Picked up seven on the minnows with the largest going 18 1/2.
[cool][#0000ff]Good lookin' fish and fine young grandson you got there. Easy to see he didn't get his good looks from your side of the family.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Just a thought. That wild shirt your G-son was wearing mighta spooked some of those smallies. They seem to prefer the solid tones or something a bit less...scary.[/#0000ff]
Healthy looking fish. Nice job.
Nice fish Cliff! [cool]
Nice lookin fish you guys have there Cliff
TD told us about you 18 1/2 nice fish, you should have waved or put up a jockett or something we would have said hi...
Thanks again TD for help with the pictures....
He's a great fishing partner but his sisters say they can out fish him....[crazy][angelic]
Cliff those are some fantastic pics! I've never caught a smallie before.
And TD is right, tell your grandson to change his shirt : )
Great pic's, A slow day for you would be my best bass fishing.
I once heard that the more you fish the better you should get, so I'm still fishing....
Oh sure ya stopped to say hi to tubedude and went right by me...[

I AM SORRY I didn't see you or I would have, and TD didn't say you was there...
See how I put it on TD slick yes!!!!No I just didn't see you, and I thought that when we got to the fish fry I would meet you all....
[cool][#0000ff]Hey, you acted just like the "typical" bass boater. You cruised right through us float tubers, and pretended we weren't even there. If I hadn't hollered at you as you passed you wouldn't have even known it was me.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Here's a picture of you fishing right past TubeBabe. And, as you know, pictures don't lie.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]I will admit that you were cool and used only your electric motor. A lot of "bass bozos" crank up the big motors after they have made THEIR casts, and roar right through the tubers without any consideration...even in the no wake zones.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sorry I wasn't more specific in my invite to join us for the fish fry. We posted on the Float Tube board that we were going to get off the water about 11. We would have gladly provided taxi service for you guys over to the pavillion.[/#0000ff]
I seen you and told my fishing buddy who you was and was trying not to bother the fish, I seen TB land a fish and you swing and miss so I went around you...
There was a place where we seen three big bass swim by us and we wanted to try them one more time with the wind blowing to hide us but no luck....
I told him about what was said about his shirt...
He got reed of it and turned a little red....[

I wish my "slow" days were as good as yours! Sounds like a good day to me!
I always try or hope for more sometimes yes and sometimes no but as long as your fishing its all fun....