07-13-2007, 12:19 PM
[cool][#0000ff]We have talked about putting together a "Gorilla Floatilla"...a nighttime fishing session on Utah Lake, targeting BIG kittyfish. I usually like to fish the night of the full moon. There is something mystical and magical about being out on the lake, watching the full moon rise over the eastern horizon just as it is getting dark. Then, as the bright moon rises higher in the sky, it is sometimes almost light enough to fish totally without lights...even being able to tie hooks or lures without drawing in the bugs with a headlamp.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]During the warmer days of summer, fishing for big cats is usually best after dark. The spawn is long over and the bigguns are hungry and active. This is the time of year when you probably have the best shot at hanging a cat in excess of 10 pounds...and possibly a state record (over 32 pounds).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The full moon in July is on Monday, July 30. For many BFTers that might not work well. Probably the best choice of dates would be Friday night, July 27th. The almost full moon will already be about a third of the way up in the sky at sundown, providing decent nighttime illumination. Every day after the full moon delays the rising of the moon by about an hour.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Probably the best spot to have one would be Lincoln Beach. We have had a couple of floatillas there and it works well. There are no fees and there are nice restrooms, etc. The only BIG consideration will be the weather. If there are afternoon or evening thunderstorms, that will pretty much kill it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let's have some input on how many might be interested and if the 27th is doable. We would probably plan to meet up around six in the evening and plan to be out on the water whenever we could get it together. Fishing is sometimes good in early evening as well as after dark.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Timing would be kinda loose. Nothing formal. Anybody could come or go whenever they wanted. I'm thinking that TubeBabe and I would probably plan to be off the water about 11ish, and we could host a "weigh and fillet" session at the fish cleaning station before midnight. Of course the diehards can stay and fish all night...weather and bugs permitting.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]During the warmer days of summer, fishing for big cats is usually best after dark. The spawn is long over and the bigguns are hungry and active. This is the time of year when you probably have the best shot at hanging a cat in excess of 10 pounds...and possibly a state record (over 32 pounds).[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The full moon in July is on Monday, July 30. For many BFTers that might not work well. Probably the best choice of dates would be Friday night, July 27th. The almost full moon will already be about a third of the way up in the sky at sundown, providing decent nighttime illumination. Every day after the full moon delays the rising of the moon by about an hour.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Probably the best spot to have one would be Lincoln Beach. We have had a couple of floatillas there and it works well. There are no fees and there are nice restrooms, etc. The only BIG consideration will be the weather. If there are afternoon or evening thunderstorms, that will pretty much kill it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Let's have some input on how many might be interested and if the 27th is doable. We would probably plan to meet up around six in the evening and plan to be out on the water whenever we could get it together. Fishing is sometimes good in early evening as well as after dark.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Timing would be kinda loose. Nothing formal. Anybody could come or go whenever they wanted. I'm thinking that TubeBabe and I would probably plan to be off the water about 11ish, and we could host a "weigh and fillet" session at the fish cleaning station before midnight. Of course the diehards can stay and fish all night...weather and bugs permitting.[/#0000ff]