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here are some pics of my last trip to big bear
Way to go bro. Nice catch.

Are you still on for Saturday in the Salty pond??[cool]
im not sure i still have to convince my dad ill prob have an answer tonight
No problem. He is welcome to come along too. The ocean belongs to all of us.[cool]
if i can go it would prob have to be puddingstone if thats ok with you and my dad would have to come im only 15
That is quite alright. I'll even bring him soem BigFish stickers too. He might want to put one on his car or tackle box.

I'll see you there.[cool]
ok so wut time? where do u wanna meet??
I plan on being there by sunrise when they open. I will be at the West launch ramp. It is just down from the Pier.

Are you familiar with that area??

Are you bringing your float tube also?? I will be bringing mine.

Let me know if your Dad can call me and I'll send you my phone # in a private message.[cool]
alright ill bring my float tube and my flies
Kewl. Do you have fins and waders too?

I spoke with your dad. He sounds like a nice guy. I look forward to meeting both of you on Saturday.[cool]
yea i got them but my fins stink my feet start to really hurt after 15 mins and yea my dads really cool[sly] hes the one who thought me how to flyfish and got me into fishing and now shooting our guns
You may need a bigger pair of fins. If you go to the Sport Chalet out there, take your waders with you and try on a different pair of fins.

They have some decent dive fins that are around 50 bucks. I bought some from there and they work fine and I have big feet too.[cool]

If you can't get them by Saturday, I will bring an extra pair that you can borrow.[cool]
ok ill see if i have time to go there. also what flies are we going to use??
I will mostly target Bass. My selection will mostly be some streamers and Clousers.

I don't know if they would still have Trout in there since the weather is too warm in that area.

I am also bringing a rig for Catfish. They hit on the bottom so you would need some weights to get down.[cool]
ok cool i want to target bass to but the only streamers i have are black and olive buggers[unsure] and im goin to bring a setup for cats to a hook for live bait ill see if i can get some worms or something. but what works for cats? ive never fished for them be4[crazy]
Wooly buggers are fine for Bass. Shrimp or hot dogs are good for Catfish.[cool]

Worms will work for both.[Smile]