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Fished Lucky Peak yesterday, and it is still producing well. I thought the fish would be deeper with all the extreme heat, but they are still at the 25 foot range. The lead core folks were also doing well at three colors. Most everyone was heading in by 10:00 with limits. The fish are still growing at a rapid rate. Mike
Hey Mike , what's the limit on the Kokes at L.P? We just returned from 3 days at Anderson Ranch and brought home 71 kokes for the smoker. We caught all of them on the downriggers in 50-60 feet of water they were all between 12-13 inches with one just over 14. Looking forward to seeing you in Sekui WA in a couple of weeks. [cool]

Did ya try the new "scent" ?


OOPS.....just saw your other post !!
The limit is 6 fish, any combination of trout and kokes. The F&G has been busting lots of people at Arrowrock recently because they either think the limit is 25 kokanee or they think they can catch 6 rainbows and 6 kokes. Yes, I am looking forward to Sekiu myself. The pinks and coho are already moving into the Sekiu area. You can keep track of the fish by connecting to Seattle Times site and doing a search for "fishing report". They report twice a week on fishing. You can also go to Olson's Resort in Sekiu and find a report there. We are going to be in Sekiu Aug. 6-9th, and will be staying at Van Ripers. Make sure you touch base with us. Van Ripers will give you our room #. Oh, my full name is Michael Kurdy. Remind me again when (and where) you will be there. Let me know in the next weeks if you have any questions. You can call me if you prefer at 208.344-8726. People are averaging two pinks per rod right now, but certainly should improve in the next two weeks. Mike
We will be at Van Ripers August 5-10. I will call you this weekend with lot's of questions. What's a good time to call?

Between parish meetings, weddings and receptions, Saturday is pretty crowded. I should be home between 1:30 and 2:30 on Saturday and in and out all day Sunday. I'm sure you have lots of questions. I will try to think of all the important items you should know before heading out. Looking forward to hearing from you.. Mike
Fished lucky peak again this morning-on the water at 0800-off by 1100--kept 3 limits---same story but the wedding rings seemed to produce better than the kokannee killer-especially with the Dees Flashers (i used the double dees) but the cowbell and a silver dodger worked well also. nice morning to be on the water--no ski boats until 1030. Good fishing!! ><)))>
Interesting about the Dee's Double Flasher. They look so strange I have never considered using them. Do they consistently produce more fish? Is the drag comparable/less than standard flashers and dodgers? Glad you got into the fishing. Having L.P. so close is certainly saving us all a lot of gasoline charges!
The dees flashers have very little resistance and u can really feel the fish once u get them on. I like the double dees for around here and use the mini and large for salmon and steelhead. Check them out at [url ""][/url] . I cant say they always out fish everything else but i can say i always catch fish on them. There is a real nice varity of colors and i think that helps on some days. If u go to the website be sure to check out the trophy pages-i have several pics on there--Karen. zack, and steve are the names under them as well as some with just lp kokes and some cascade coho--good fishing ><)))>
visited your pics. Nice fish. I will have to give the flashers a try. Thanks for the info..Mike