Fred Trost , is all the scuttlebutt I am seeing all over the internet true ?
If true , wows .
Now some people disagree with Fred , some laughed at him and thought he was a joke .
Seriously though , not me .
In the early days of the show Fred had to fill Morts shoes , those were some mighty big shoes to fill too .
Fred represented the surburban hunter , the 7 a.m. to whenever blue coller worker who had limited time for romps in the woods or trips out on the lakes . Fred got us out of the city every thursday night for just an hour , hell , I watched the show and would stay up late to see the re-run if i missed out on the first brodcast .
Fred spoke his mind , lost the first shows rights when he spoke up for us hunters who were being jipped by rip off scent companys , now thats standing up for his brother hunters , guys he has never met but shared the same outdoor passions with .
Fred continued his campain against the D.N.R. wrongs and the laws that the D.N.R. tried to slip past us during the off season , even took to law school to help Michigan hunters retain their rights we used to have . People thought Fred was off his nut for butting heads with the D.N.R. , he was just a man ahead of his times in my eyes .
If all the talk about Freds passing is true , Michigan has lost a valuable citicen and fellow outdoorsman
Thanks Fred , for dedicating and sharing your life and passions with us , you are truley going to be missed and mourned .
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link to the story
I havent read your link yet, but I can tell you from first hand.....
Fred plugged his own nickle,
he did this on a bradcast show when he stated there were no anti fishing people trying to stop us from fishing..
shortly after making that statement he anounced his going off the air. (with in the next couple programs)
I wonder if that could have been because it ticked off peta and his blood line of suporters. Michigan out of doors made sure to make statements on the next following programs about anti hunting and anti fishing people.
Lets face it, it is the hunting and fishing people who were putting up the bill for them to be on the air.
I remember when he made that statement, I hadnt wanted to put my foot though the tv so much as since reagon said our nationl economy depended on us selling 14 thousand cars in japan.
He made some incredible statements in the past, Like when our elk hunts first came out in michigan, he said you were garunteed an elk. I went on one of them hunts, I can tell you from first hand experience that of the 230 of us who went on that years hunt only 10 elk were taken, and they were taken on the first day, the rest of the week no one even saw an elk.
most of his dumb statements can be over looked but when he said no one was trying to block off our hunting and fishing it ticked off a lot of people and they called in pulling suport from his program.
I did make a post or two on this board about this at the time it happened. and the worst part about the whole thing is he never recanted that statement. Lets face it, any one who says there is no one trying to stop fishing and hunting is just too out of touch from what is going on in this state.
He didnt make that statement untill he came to oakland county, "Peta Central" I wonder if that is why he never in the 15 years had he ever highlighted oakland county. shortly before making the statement that there was no anti fishing people blocking our fishing he did pull out Oakland Counties name from the fish bowl, and that show never made it to the air.
His mistake was in that he did not do the demographics of his suporters, becacuse had he of done his home work he would have found out that the majority of his suport came from oakland county.... Hence he plugged his own nickle in two shots.... All my ice fishing buddies was waiting to see me on Tv because they knew I had made it two the top of the list that year with 5 master angler entries for the county...
This is what happened, The plain facts, and it is the truth. no skuttlebutt here.
gone, that one always confuses me, when I go to some ones house and his wife tells me he is gone, I mean do I take my hat off and give my condolances or do I pull up a step and wait 5 minutes because I was suspost to meet him there and he should be back any minute?
I thought you were talking about fred trost the show, I hadnt heard anything about him passing in the local news here in oakland county.
Usualy they are up on this sort of thing. They didnt miss the passing of Sir Graves Gastly a few weeks back and he has been off the air for 30+ years.
I looked forward to thursdays every week to see what was going on in the woods and ponds of michigan. I knew I could catch a little bit from the Fred Trost show, (ya I know it was called by other names, but to me and every one I know on the water it was always the Fred Trost show)
this dose make me wonder now if he had intentionaly fired the shot that ended his program on PBS? There was always talk about Zackery taking over the program one day.
I am glad I did get the oppertunity to meet Fred and Zackery in person.
I am glad as well I got to meat Fred Bear as well as Ed Cruse, (Ed was the man in the canoe at the beginning of every Morton show)
I remember as a youth Ed gave me a lure that never made it to the market, I wonder if it ever got pattened. Dont ask me what it was, because I wont tell. all I will say is that at its time it was cutting edge tec. Ed tested all his stuff in his swimming pool in the basement of his house.
I would have like to have met myle perkens.
here is the article from todays detroit news.
Fred Trost, popular host of Michigan outdoors TV show, dies at 61
EAST LANSING -- Fred Trost, who hosted the popular "Michigan Outdoors" hunting and fishing television show, has died. He was 61.
Trost died Wednesday of a rare lung condition after spending several weeks in the hospital, his son, Zachary Trost of East Lansing, told The Associated Press on Thursday.
"Michigan Outdoors" was broadcast on public television across the state, until a $4 million judgment against him for an investigative series he did on deer scent lures led to his departure in 1992. He later began broadcasting another show, "Practical Sportsman," also on public television.
"I've had people come up to me over the past few weeks and say, 'I learned fishing from your father,' 'I learned how to skin a fish from your father,' 'Your father made me passionate about the outdoors,'" Zachary Trost told the Lansing State Journal.
Friends remember Fred Trost as a giant of the outdoors.
"He was a big deal," said Tony Hansen, editor of Michigan Out-of-Doors magazine. "He was the first outdoor media star. Kind of a larger-than-life personality."
In the late 1990s, while still working on the show, Fred Trost enrolled in Cooley Law School, graduating cum laude, his son said. Trost stopped production of "Practical Sportsman" in 2005.
Zachary Trost said the family expected to meet Thursday to plan a memorial service for his father.
"He did not want a funeral. He doesn't want people to grieve for his death. He wants people to enjoy our limited time here and the outdoors," he said.
Funniest shows I remember ,
the one where the helgermite bit his finger , laughed my butt off !
The noodeling for snapping turtles , when that one bumped his foot he darn near jumped out of that pond .
Hunting on crutches , was that a hoot or what .
Yea , thursday nights were a time to sit and relax with Fred .