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Full Version: How many rods?
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[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]How many fly rods do you need? Well take a look at my shop tools. I have several hammers. Basically they all do the same thing. They hammer / drive objects into other o[/size][/green][/font][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]bjects. But on closer inspection one finds that my ball peen hammer is not really designed to drive nails but more so to form/shape a soft piece of metal. My first hammer was a carpenter’s hammer for generally purpose use. So a similar scenario can be told about fly rods. Each rods weight, length & flex has a particular purpose. A two or three weight rod works well casting smaller flies and generally used for catching smaller fish. A 7/7½’ rod is an ideal length to use on small streams, pocket water etc. Other considerations include flex and composition. I.e. slow, medium & fast. Graphite, fiberglass & bamboo for the most part. If you are purchasing your first rod I would suggest that you go to a dedicated fly shop where the people are professionals. You might save a few bucks at Wally’s world but those people don’t know Jack. In fact they might have assigned the girl from the cosmetic department to fill in while the mentally challenged sporting good guy when on a break. I would venture to say that a fly shop would recommend a 5 or 6 wt. rod at 8½ to 9’ long. Plus there are many different lines to consider. Again like the fly rod each has it's particular purpose. Your fly shop pro will no doubt ask you several questions about the type of fish that you will be targeting, kinds of waters to be fished etc. BTW I only have 5 rods. A 9’ 3 wt., 9’ 4 wt., 2 6wt. rods [8½, 9’] and an 8½’ boo.[/size][/green][/font] [font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Unlike Flygoddess who has so many rods that when Orvis runs low on inventory they call her to fill OOS conditions. Just kidding my lady but then again that might be closer to the truth than not. Since this is an open forum democracy I’m sure our others will add to my comments so that the less informed can make a more informed purchasing decision.[/size][/green][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#800000][size 3]...while I do agree with all of your comments and comparisons I will say I was very lucky with my Wally World purchase as it turned out to be a 9 ft 5/6 shakespeare kit... works well for the still water fishing I do (lakes)... thru this board and a couple of others.. and lots of very kind fly fishers who were willing to answer all of my questions.. FG and DR two of many.. I was able to make an informed and intelligent??? decision on the purchase of my second rod.. which is a 9ft 6 wt sage launch.. in conjunction with that I was also able, with the attentive to sales help of FG, purchase an upgraded reel for the second rod.. so.. I have two 9 ft 6 wt rods...hehehe so far... but dont tell my wife about the "so far" comment...[/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#800000][size 3][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#800000][size 3] as far as the comment on our fly goddess.. I think she is just making sure Orvis stays in business by her providing a temporary storage area for some of their products... [sly][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#800000][size 3][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Tempus Sans ITC"][#800000][size 3]MacFly [cool][/size][/#800000][/font]
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hi there macfly55 - I didn't mean to imply that Wally's World doesn't carry some quality products - only that the few times that I have shopped their sporting goods department experienced or well seasoned clerks were as scarce as fish as on some of my outings. In other words I got skunked.[Tongue][/size][/green][/font]
Actually it is about half. I do own several Orvis, but also, several custom (lamiglass and Mc Farland) a teastick, and a TFO. But I am sure I helped Orvis out cause there where only a couple that were under $500. (of course that is not what I paid for them he, he, he)
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hey there Flygoddess - bet that you would rather have a new rod than a new car. Would that be because Orvis doesn't stock any yet or do they? LOL[/size][/green][/font]
I think they sponsored a Subaru at one time but I could be wrong.
I'm not sure how many I'll end up with but my Beulah Switch should be here the beginning of the week sometime [Smile]
Well I have a few, but none are fancy. My fav is a 8'6" 4/5w with a cortland crown II small spool that I use most all the time. I am try to win another spool for it right now. I like to have floating and sinktip spooled up for it. Some day I hope to have a 3 or 4wt.

I have 2 6/7wt one 8'6" with a medium spool crown II and the other a 9' with a old medalist. Floating and sinking line.

Then I have a 9' 8wt with a medalist and last but not least a 10' 10wt with a Okuma with floating and sinktip line.

Not sure but most are fiberglass and I found out that it was agood thing the other nite as my rod slipped out of the holder and fell in the drink only to float patiently till I could recover it. Praise God.[angelic] I am going to need to put a strap or saftey cord like FG does.

I like to try and set up my rods with different setups and be ready for most any kind of fishin.
I dont own a ball peen hammer.

Where as I agree that there is a lot of variation in available equipment and every thing has its individual speciality, in addition that there is much enjoyment and pleasure in understanding in what is available.

I have two rods, one broken along with me in an auto collision 9 years ago and one to replace the broken one about three years later.

One needs to take what they enjoy from the sport, and if it includes the works or simply digging up a worm and flopping on a number 6 hook on the end of an 8 weight fly rod to pull in gills or a trout a couple times a year with out being preasured by fly fishing geeks.

Mind you there is nothing wrong with being a fly fishing geek, Ask me how many ice fishing rods I have and take out on the water with me when tredding ice, I would tell you "6"

I do enjoy my fly rod, actualy I have two others and a half dozen reels, but I only use the one rod and reel. the others are loaners.

like with my hammers, I own three, one that I use and a couple spares to lend out for some one else showing up on the job empty handed...[Wink]
[black][size 3]I hardly think that it's wise to visit these fly fishing sites, rambling about your hammers, and calling the regular visitors here GEEKS and making unfriendly statements regarding the sport.[/size][/black]
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[size 3]If your attitude is what it appears, it might be best that you spend your time at your regular haunts, asking and answering your own posts, as usual.[/size]
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Well happy birthday to you too...[cool]

I am sorry you took offence, but in case you havent heard, Geek is no longer a negitive thing. It is some one who is well versed or educated in a spicific area....

but I guess it would take a fishing geek to know one, [Tongue]

In case you missed my point, many of us love to enjoy the simple things and respect those who wish to take the sport as far as their pocket books will allow...

when it comes to fishing, there is the basics and every thing else is just pudding on the cake.

Hope you understand what I said the first time now...
Do I smell a "Troll"?[shocked]

I use several Fly Rods and own several Hammers. Keeping line with the root post, each of my Rods and each of my Hammers has it's purpose and style of use.

I may use some of my rods for light and heavy fish. I may use some of my hammers for delicate finish nails and others for smashing Trolls.[cool]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=28071;][;)]
[center][Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=28071;][/center][center][/center][center]my little girl come down with trolls[/center] [center]after going in the feild with me to work[/center] [center]on the deer blind,[/center] [center][/center] [center]when I am done stripping her she will be running[/center] [center]around in public with nothing but birthday suit.[/center] [center][/center] [center]remember the ending of the film major pane?[/center] [center] [/center] [center]How imbarising has that got to be for a 10 year old young lady? I am half finshed, she will only let me do so much at a time.[/center] [center] [/center] [center][/center] [center]my dad he gave me a couple old reels a couple years back to wich recently I have just learned how to use, both had me scratching my head as bad as my little girl, [/center] [center][/center] [center]one has a magnetic drag, and now I have figured it out I like the principle, and when a fish runs with it there is no noise at all. Sweet if you want to be quiet as a summers breeze on a delicate spring fed stream. From what I understand it is fairly old, I dont mean achent, but no longer in production. at least not this particular style.[/center] [center][/center] [center]the other is an auto rewind, for the life of me I couldnt figure how on earth that was suspost to reel in a fish... LOL.... dummy me, I finaly figured it aint susposed to.. it is only ment to pick up the slack at the push of the lever.. This one is fairly old as well.[/center] [center][/center] [center]I like both of them but I primairly use one of the two reels on my number 8 rod. both martins, one is just a larger spool than the other, one for pannies when I first started fly fishing and the bigger one I use I bought for my number 14 rod that was busted in a car reck holds my fly line and a hundred yards of 30 pound backer.[/center] [center][/center] [center]so ya I do own a 14 pound sledge hammer and two peice 12 foot rod and reel to match, but the rod is broken [Sad] [/center] [center][/center] [center]the number 8 rod I got I won for entering and winning the 2001 Bigfishtackle Ice Fishing contest. Biggest Pike caught before the time limmit expired.[/center] [center][/center] [center]some years the prizes are realy good and some years the economy just dosnt allow big prizes.. [/center] [center][/center] [center]I realy miss my number 14, but I have found that my number 8 can get me in to places the number 14 cant. and the number 8 has more guts to it than I would have ever emagined, I thought for sure several times pulling in that carp my rod was going to snap. [/center] [center][/center] [center]still I wont take the number 8 steel head fishing. It may have gotten by once, it just is not designed for that kind of abuse, even if it dose have a battle ball on the end of the handle, Which mind you is a life saver !!!....[/center]