Fishing Forum

Full Version: Fishing in Ft. Lauderdale is GRRREAT!
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Guys, the fishing was just plain old awesome today. We caught so many fish, I donft know which trip to write about. Our Drift boats are catching tons and tons of bonitos and kingfish. I didnft even count them, but there was a huge pile of them on the dock. Everybody got off the boat hooting and hollering about how many fish they caught. Wefve been getting all our action on the reef, about a mile offshore. 120Œ-200Œ of water has been where the bite has been the best on the drift fishing trips. Most of the fish have been bonitos ranging from 10-18 pounds and kingfish ranging from 8-15 pounds. Wefve been fishing the baits about 1/2 way to the bottom and jigging. Ballyhoo, sardines and squid have been the best baits. Whenever we got the bait to where we wanted it, BAM! Either we would catch a king or bonito or get a big strike and miss one. We literally couldnft keep a bait in the water for more than a minute. The mates worked their butts off today keeping hooks tied on and baits going out. But everybody that went got to catch something nice.
[Image: 030.jpg]
Our Sportfishing charters did great today too. They were catching the same stuff as the party boats were, lots of kings and bonitos. However, they did catch a couple nice fish the drift boats didnft get to catch. They caught a 25 pound wahoo and a big blackfin tuna today. They also caught a nice silky shark. The biggest king was about an 18 pounder with most of eem being 5-10 pounders. It was a helluva day at sea today.
[Image: 035.jpg]
Capt. Adam took out a 10 person private charter today that wanted to catch some fish for dinner. They started off trolling and caught a couple bonitos but the customers said they wanted to catch some snapper or grouper. Well, you donft have to mention snapper to Capt. Adam twice. He went out to one of his secret spots (he still wonft tell me where), and he caught 110 vermillion snapper. It was an awesome day for him aad the customers went home with enough snapper for a neighborhood fish fry. The deep sea fishing was great today and everything we tried today worked great.
[Image: 011.jpg]
Tommorrow night is the Friday night swordfishing trip we run. Ifve been hearing the swordfish are biting great this week and if we have a trip like we did last week, Ifll be tickled pink! The swordfishing trip is my favorite trip of the week. We still have 3 seats available last time I checked if anyone else wants to go. It should be a great trip. Thanks everyone who fished with us today, hope you guys come back and fish with us again. Cya all tommorrow.
Nice job Skipper and way to go. That looks like a good mess of fish and a bunch of happy customers.[cool]

(is there anyway that you could keep the pics within the forum guidlines? No more than 450 pixels wide) thanks[Wink]
Oops, sorry. Yes, I will make sure to do that for my future posts. I just recently learned how to even put pictures with my posts(i'm not very techno-savvy). But I know how to resize them so I'll be sure to do that.
No problem Skipper. Thanks again.

You can always upload the pictures as an attachment without resizing. Only a link will appear. Others can click on the link and enjoy your bigger pics.

Another way is to start your own photo gallery here on the boards. you can copy/past the thumbnails that it generates which takes the readers directly to your gallery. They can click on any pictures there and it will go to the full size.[cool]

By the way, Nice catch!