07-23-2007, 03:40 AM
Well, it doesn't get much better than this morning over at my favorite local pond. I only wish I had a compact digital camera to show you guys the pics! I took some pics with the cell phone, but I need an adapter so I can download to my computer.
Got there a little after 7:00 a.m. (which is tardy for Tubedude and FlyGoddess' standards), but I have a good excuse- I work nights.
Anywho, by 8:30 or so, I lost count, and by 10:30 my arm was sore. Finally, just before noon, thankfully I ran out of crawlers so I had to kick back to the ramp. A pelican kept spying on me hoping I'd throw him a fishy or three.
4 largies (none too large), 9 perchies (a couple real decent size), and about 90 or so 'gills (a few measured over 8"), but try as I might- no troutskis. I hear they're over by the inlet this time of year.
Jig of choice was a homemade chartruese specialty, but once I switched over to white, that seemed to attract the bigger fish. Couldn't keep 'em off the hook either way. The fishies were particular because if there was not a piece of crawler dangling on that hook, they would follow but not take. The smell of the crawler must drive 'em mad.
Passed fairly close to a guy in a boat who said he caught a 3 lb. largie- he was over by the gnoll on the eastern side.
Not a bad day out on Mantua. Maybe part of the reason it was so spectacular was because yesterday (saturday) they had it closed to the public? Who knows.
I'd like to take the 'toon up to Porcupine next weekend; we'll see.
Got there a little after 7:00 a.m. (which is tardy for Tubedude and FlyGoddess' standards), but I have a good excuse- I work nights.
Anywho, by 8:30 or so, I lost count, and by 10:30 my arm was sore. Finally, just before noon, thankfully I ran out of crawlers so I had to kick back to the ramp. A pelican kept spying on me hoping I'd throw him a fishy or three.
4 largies (none too large), 9 perchies (a couple real decent size), and about 90 or so 'gills (a few measured over 8"), but try as I might- no troutskis. I hear they're over by the inlet this time of year.
Jig of choice was a homemade chartruese specialty, but once I switched over to white, that seemed to attract the bigger fish. Couldn't keep 'em off the hook either way. The fishies were particular because if there was not a piece of crawler dangling on that hook, they would follow but not take. The smell of the crawler must drive 'em mad.
Passed fairly close to a guy in a boat who said he caught a 3 lb. largie- he was over by the gnoll on the eastern side.
Not a bad day out on Mantua. Maybe part of the reason it was so spectacular was because yesterday (saturday) they had it closed to the public? Who knows.
I'd like to take the 'toon up to Porcupine next weekend; we'll see.