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Full Version: Deer Creek--Tubers rejoice
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Went to Deer Creek 5/25 in the afternoon. Only got to fish about half an hour before being blown off the lake. Caught one little smallmouth.

There is a sign at the main launch ramp now that says the ramp is closed. In reality we were still allowed to launch, but the last day for allowing launches is 5/27.

I don't know if they will still allow people to launch at the Island park ramp as they have in the past. In any case, the water level is now so low that the wakeboarding squadrons will no longer be a concern.

For tubers who want to avoid water skiers, Deer Creek is the place.
Sweet! Been wanting to get up there and now seems the perfect time! If only I HAD spare time... sigh...[Sad]
I was there today also caught three lg. mouth and maybe 20 smallmouths but the fishing was hard today nothing like Monday. Tried for walleye and perch but couldn't find any. The wind was pretty bad fished the ranger's cove to get out of the wind had a tons of follows and a quite few bites let the wind blow us back to the ramp and pick up two or three more before calling it a day.