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Have a customer who wants a spinning rod done in a spiral wrap. I've never built a spinner as a spiral and I'm not to shure how that will work out. Has anyone else tried it? How does it work? <br><br>Lee's Custom Rods<br>The product of craftsmanship is quality


Mine too, the only thing I could figure is that he had some really inaccessable place to fish and needed to hang by his feet from a limb or something.<br><br>Lee's Custom Rods<br>The product of craftsmanship is quality
What's a spiral wrap? Are we talking about how thread is wound on or is the blank constructed with a spiral wrap like the old Shakespere WonderRod and their current Ugly Stick?<br><br>
Spiral wrap = "Robert's Wrap" and other names (see "Acid Rod" [laugh]) Lots of info at <A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br>The guides spiral 180 degrees around the rod. It only makes sense with a conventional type reel.<br><br>
OOPS! That should be <A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br>For some reason I can't edit the post [frown]<br><br>Fishslayer<br><br>
Thank you "mrsinbad". I couldn't find anything close to explaining a spiral wrap at <br><br><br>
Go to <A HREF="" target="_new"></A> and do a search on "Spiral wrap." Lots of info.<br><br>My bad on the .com instead of .org. Sorry.<br><br>Fishslayer<br><br>